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Top Kingdom: The Mormon Race for the Celestial Gates

[…] but wrong, dangerous, even blasphemous. They seemed to me to represent and promote a view of the world that I am trying to overcome in myself, a view that is inimical to the gospel […]

Mormonism in the Twenty-first Century: Marketing for Miracles

[…] rewards, meaning systems, relationships with deity and with departed loved ones, and so on. As in the commercial world, religious monopolies or other “restraints of trade” tend to depress entrepreneurship in the market. Thus in […]

The LDS Sound World and Global Mormonism

[…] of sound and silence. My observations here deal with the outer, open dimension of the LDS sound world, including theories about de-Protestantisation and feminisation. Also examined herein will be the institutional process of “reduce […]

The Mormons and the Ghost Dance

[…] doctrines, and formed their own cults (Du Bois 1939, 5-13). One cult stressed the end of the world and built special earthen lodges for protection from this catastrophic event. Another cult emphasized personal visions, […]

Minerva’s Calling

[…] period, place, and people. According to Frank Stevens, who later helped her paint the LDS Manti Temple’s world room, Minerva’s paintings were dedicated to “telling the story” she felt compelled to paint as part […]

The Education of a BYU Professor

[…] hundred officer candidates. I was kept as a Training Officer at Fort Benning until the end of World War II when I was sent to Germany where I spent the last eight months of […]

W.H. Chamberlin and the Quest for a Mormon Theology

[…] and sociality is an essential feature of the being of per sons. The moral meaning of the world grows out of the relation of eternal co-dependence of persons in community. At the head of […]