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The Home Dance: Hugh Nibley among the Hopi

Hugh Nibley lives in a world of serendipity. As his son-in-law and intended biographer, I have discovered that, time and time again, he has miraculously avoided some catastrophe or dropped in on some fortunate […]

Performative Theology: Not Such a New Thing

[…] order to judge the text’s accuracy—this was a new idea about the relationship between narratives and the world. Making the question of scriptural truth a positive question—a question about posits—reflected a wholesale change that […]

Refugee Converts: One Stake’s Experience

[…] victims of some other tragedy. They might just be confused youngsters, fighting to make sense of a world that seems cruel and unfeeling. Joining a strange Church is not a risk simply because these […]

Profile of Apostasy: Who Are the Bad Guys, Really?

[…] scope to include Jews and non-Jews, empowering the fledgling movement to grow gradually into one of the world’s greatest religions.  Jesus left no writings behind, and the information provided about him in the Gospels […]

Mormonism and the New Creationism

[…] by natural law; (2) is explanatory by reference to natural law; (3) is testable against the empirical world; (4) reaches conclusions that are tentative; and (5) is falsifiable. How does creationism, new or old, […]

Eternal Misfit

[…] I take it that men and women will, in these kingdoms, be just what the so-called Christian world expects us all to be—neither man nor woman, merely immortal beings having received the resurrection Joseph […]