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Prophecy and Palimpsest

[…] to be moved by the fortunes and mis fortunes of the characters, etc. One enters a fictive world, a narrative world, in order to feel and experience things one would never otherwise experience. We […]

Beyond Matriarchy, Beyond Patriarchy

[…] have a strong tradition of speculative theology, I want to explain some of my objectives and methods in writing this essay. My chief purpose is to make symbolic connections, to evoke families of images, […]

Anthony Maitland Stenhouse, Bachelor Polygamist

[…] way ashamed of it.  —Anthony Maitland Stenhouse  So wrote Anthony Maitland Stenhouse  (no relation to T. B. H. Stenhouse), a Scot transplanted temporarily to the western Canadian wilderness and an ardent nineteenth-century proponent of polygamy.

LDS Prospects in Italy for the Twenty-first Century

[…] was the official church of Italy. After the fall of Mussolini and fascism at the end of World War II, the constitution of the new Republic of Italy recognized the Lateran accords, including the […]