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The Accommodation of Mormonism and Politico-Economic Reality

[…] one or a combination of several processes—the adjustment of the gospel to or in harmony with the world, or the adjustment of politico-economic institutions to conform to the gospel principles.  If the membership of […]

Tolstoy and Mormonism

[…] novelist, short story writer and dramatist—the Russians consider him to be nearly as significant as Shakespeare in world literature—he would no doubt prefer to be re membered as a thinker, social reformer, and preceptor […]

The Word of Wisdom in Early Nineteenth-Century Perspective

The success of Mormonism’s “Word of Wisdom,” especially its prohibition of tobacco—in promoting Mormon health is now widely acknowledged. Mor mons have shown that they experience what medical science would predict from their […]

An Interview with Sterling M. McMurrin

[…] M. McMurrin has been a leading philosopher and educator for many years. Among his publications pertaining to the philosophy of religion are Religion, Reason, and Truth (1982) and The Theological Foundations of the Mormon […]

The Dream of a Mormon Colony in the Near East

[…] the purpose and significance of their mission:  The Saints in Turkey, as in other parts of the world, have a strong desire to gather with their co-religionists, but as it is understood that emigration […]

Faithful History

[…] true to life as they knew it and faithfully taught his views to their students. Shortly after World War II, however, the temper of the times changed. Business interests no longer appeared so malevolent […]

Joseph Smith: “The Gift of Seeing”

<i>Dialogue 15.2 (Summer 1982): 48–68</i><br> Van Wagoner and Walker focus on the seer stones that Joseph Smith used in the Book of Mormon translation process.