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Peripheral Mormondom: The Frenetic Frontier

[…] Utah and the western United States as core focus, with the periphery consisting of the rest of the world. The exception would be well-organized and smoothly functioning church units in certain urban areas elsewhere in […]

Joseph Smith and Process Theology

[…] 1984): 75–88</i><br>Utah Mormons have had over a hundred years in which to systematize and institutionalize their beliefs. Institutionalized religion tends to expend its energies in conserving and promulgating the truths once delivered to the saints.

The First Vision Story Revived

[…] God who acts in history. He led ancient Israel; He came to earth to re deem the world; he guides prophets in our time; and He helps individuals day by day with mundane problems. […]

The Intellectual Tradition of the Latter-day Saints

[…] the other way around, the adaptation of the doctrines and practices of the Mormons to the secular world in which they live. Several events of intellectual importance have taken place during these 72 years. […]

“Cast Me Not Off in the Time of Old Age”

Growing old in the last part of the twentieth century is unlike anything that has gone before. The population of older people in the United States has increased dramatically, rising from 18 million in […]

Speaking in Tongues in the Restoration Churches

<i>Dialogue 24.1 (Spring 1991): 13–35</i><br>However, during the mid-1800s, speaking in tongues was so commonplace in the LDS and RLDS churches that a person who had not spoken  in tongues, or who had not heard […]