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A Woman Here

[…] future, she should wear different clothing. These are stories I think need to be shared with the world, but they are not my stories to share. Instead, I’ll share about the time I went […]

A Superior Alternative

[…] liked the presumptive epidural and intuited that there were better ways to bring my kids into the world. I’ll confess: Polly had me at “hello.” No drugs? Herbal support throughout pregnancy? Fully aware preparation […]

Women Under the Law

[…] 12.2 (Summer 1979): 82–91
Any constitutional amendment unavoidably casts a shadow of uncertaintyover its future interpretation and implementation. The Fourteenth Amendment, for example, has far exceeded the originally perceived purpose—elevating thestatus of blacks—and has come […]


[…] 1981): 117–124
So this was birthing, this crazy-quilt of contrasts, of senses and feelingsin chaos, coming occasionally to rest, as now, with a sleeping son in the crookof my arm. Had I won the grand prize?

Theological Foundations of Patriarchy

[…] FEMINISTS has been historical in nature. Proponents of greater power and privilege for women cite as prece￾dents the lives of Huldah and Deborah of the Old Testament, the treatment of women by Jesus Christ, […]


[…] personality required. God had always been a benevolent force in my life. The bad things in the world happened because of Satan.  But there sure were a lot of bad things.  What kind of […]