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My Father’s Name Was Sam

One spring day when I was about three years old, I hunkered near where my fa ther and the hired man were treating seed grain with formaldehyde. Father handed me the bottle to smell, […]

Living with Opposition in All Things

[…] with one but by revelation from God. Students at BYU are to listen respectfully (i.e., passively) to worldly ideas and then accept or reject them depending upon how closely these ideas conform with revealed […]

The Church in Egypt

[…] is natural for Mormons to think in terms of potential missionary activity in any part of the world. With the black revelation granting the priesthood to all worthy male members, interest in missionary work […]

A Mighty Change of Heart

[…] when in comes Claude with hay in his hair and manure on his shoes (he heard the news while milking), and he says he’s just come to say goodbye and gosh, honey, I’m going […]

Ongoing Dialogue

[…] publications are correlated and many members take pride that “the Church is the same all over the world” without asking how much sameness is desirable or even tolerable.  The character of Church organization has […]

Notes on Brigham Young’s Aesthetics

[…] in the Church often presume a common aesthetic; or when conflicts in judgment arise—whether with the “ worldly” critic or the division chairman—we throw up our hands at the other’s decadent tastes, or worse […]