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The Logical Next Step: Affirming Same-Sex Relationships

Dialogue 31.3 (Fall 1998): 49–57
In Fall 1998 just a few years after The Family Proclamation, Gary Watts wrote, “The Logical Next Step: Affirming Same-Sex Relationships.” He notes the inner conflict that gay LDS […]

Second Place: Pressed Palms

Listen to the Out Loud Interview about this article here. And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind. —Romans 12:2 One spring weekend, with a […]

A University’s Dilemma: B.Y.U. and Blacks

Dialogue 6.1 (Spring 1971): 31–36
Brian Walton, the BYU student body president in 1969-70 wrote this article to adress race issues head on. During BYU’s 1969-70 academic year, because of the church’s policy of denying […]

The Dichotomy of Art and Religion

[…] them. At one point Clark states, rather offhandedly, that it is “hardly mere accident that the western world’s two great ages of drama grew, independently, out of religious ritual.” Indeed they did, but in […]