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Far Beyond the Half-Way Covenant

[…] of J. Reuben Clark. The discussions and reading material have breadth without much depth. The interpretations of world problems tends toward gross oversimplification and misunderstanding, with simple nationalism as a ready solution. Our theology […]


[…] that polygamous wives, the very epitome of mistreated and down trodden feminity in the eyes of the world, should have been among the most independent, liberated women of their time. Those poor women whose […]

Among the Mormons: A Survey of Current Literature

[…] by Bookcraft and Deseret Book which are already well advertised in The Improvement Era and The Church News, but some of these will be given short critical reviews in a book notes section, beginning […]

Why Not Go to a Christian College

[…] many it served, necessarily but I think regrettably, as a mere haven from the indifferent if not hostile world of the university. Yet, it was educationally and religiously irrevelant factors like the impact on L.D.S. […]

A Godlike Potential

I have been asked to give the charge to the graduates. This demands that I shall strive to indicate to you what is important and what has significance for you above all else. 

Counseling the Brethren

The scent of shaving lotion startled me. It was like finding a “No Trespassing” sign in some familiar patch of woods. I’d walked through that door a hundred times, would teach Sunday School […]

The Possibilities of Worship

[…] It is more vast than any church, including our own. It is of Him who made the worlds and us. It is of His son who will soon be here among us again. It […]