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Entertaining Angels Unaware

[…] ocean calmed Lucy and made her feel better because it reminded her she wasn’t alone in the world, and she felt instantly connected to distant places. But for the first time since she could […]

Mormons in the Executive Suite

[…] other states also have numerous high-level corporate executives.  The Mormon production of high achievers in the executive world is part of a larger achievement of excellence. Consequently, the first part of this article deals […]

The Vocation of David Wright: An Essay in Analytic Biography

[…] young Alvin Simmons in Wright’s story “Speak Ye Tenderly of Kings,” and to two unsettlingly glamorous “Outside World people” he boasts of his pioneer ancestor who is honored with a “big statue” that “You […]

The Seventies in the 1880s: Revelations and Reorganizing

[…] 107) specified that seventies were to “preach the Gospel,” “be especial witnesses unto Gentiles in all the world,” be a “quorum equal in authority to that of the Twelve,” “act under the direction of […]

Forgotten Relief Societies, 1844-67

[…] are my thoughts and meditations, to say what is the use to send missionaries to all the world to convert the world, while we have a tribe of Israel in our midst, which are […]

“White” of “Pure”: Five Vignettes

Dialogue 29.4 (Winter 1996): 119–135The Book of Mormon variously uses “white” and “pure” in the same verse in different editions. This article traces the history of those changes, who was behind them, and why.