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Of Pleasures and Palaces

[…] that he could prove his brothers and sisters wrong . . . that the face of their worldliness and higher education (which he much admired) would not, in this instance, prove superior to his […]

From Great Heights

[…] at Carolyn, feeling a certain pleasure in having gotten her full attention. “I mean, what kind of world is it where people get by on dumb luck and good graces? Not a world I […]

The Righteous Road

[…] the impoverished and downtrodden masses, and his grandiose plans for a future that had us saving the world from tyranny and environmental annihilation. I couldn’t finish the letters, nor could I respond with equal […]

Missiology and Mormon Missions

[…] above all rule, all authority, power, dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this world, but also in that to come. (Eph. 1:21). All other religions, philosophies, and teachings are false.  […]

Government-Sponsored Prayer in the Classroom

[…] share some of the ultimate objectives of proponents of school prayer and have little doubt that the world would be better if people moved closer to God. Nevertheless, I am convinced that the school […]

Toward a Mormon Theology of God the Mother

[…] 27.2 (Summer 1994): 15–40
It would seem that Mormons who have believed for over a hundred years in the real existence of the Goddess, the Mother in Heaven, should be far ahead of other Christians […]

Women and Priesthood

Dialogue 14.4 (Winter 1981): 48–59
I smiled wryly at the cartoon on the stationery. The picture showed a woman standing before an all-male ecclesiastical board and asking, “Are you trying to tell me that God […]