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Seers, Savants and Evolution: A Continuing Dialogue

Dialogue 9.3 (1974): 21–37
Duane Jeffrey is to be thanked for his article, “Seers, Savants and Evolution: The Uncomfortable Interface.” It is an excellent summary of the history of thought on evolution in the […]

Short Creek: A Refuge for the Saints

Dialogue 36.3 (Spring 2003): 71–87Watson shares why early fundamentalists broke off from the main church  and decided to leave Utah and settle Short Creek.

The Restoration in British Columbia

[…] of both groups to establish congregations in Canada’s far west and explores why the growth of the Latter-day Saint and Reorganized Latter Day Saint churches in British Columbia became so lopsided after World War II.


[…] paid a call or two on her there, but I suddenly found myself a stranger in a world of tales, prophecies, precautions and remedies, mysteries reaching with ancient but powerful force from a prehistoric […]

The Gilded Door

[…] good spanking.  Then, when the credits rolled and the lights went up, you were still in another world, gaping at the gilt-edged ceiling medallions and the sparkling chandeliers, at the towering half pillars that […]

The Revelations & Opinions of the Rev. Clive Japhta, D.D.

[…] America—to use language I learned in church—a “city on a hill,” an example to the big wide world my extended family came from, or was it “Babylon,” worldwide marketer of wickedness, where wrong was […]

The Reorganization in the Twentieth Century

[…] century. Her essay provides valuable insights into the pressures that have shaped her church in the modern worldThe 1970 World Conference of the Reorganization may well prove in retrospect to have been the […]