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The Student: His University and His Church

[…] I refer to is an intellectual one. The two organizations, church and university, approach and explain the world from two quite different perspectives. And even though our society accommodates both institutions, many students find […]

City of Saints

[…] as a school district superintendent in New Orleans, as far as you could get from the legal world or the world of the Big Eight (or was it now the Big Four?) accounting firms […]

The Sweetness of Certain Things

[…] not what you’d expect from a Latin American woman. Her parents were German, immigrants who came before World War II to Tupambay. Johann Vogle, a carpenter, had become a prosperous building contractor.  The two […]

A Conversation About Mormonism

[…] of everybody standing up and singing together—that’s great and I enjoy it. I’ve been all over the world and I’ve enjoyed going to church, and even though it was in Dutch or German or […]

The Odyssey of Sonia Johnson

[…] in a bank for one year and then graduates from Utah State University with a B.A. in EnglishThe third child in a family she describes as “five only children” because they were so […]

“Like There’s No Tomorrow”

I suspect you’re less interested in such talk than Shakespeare and I. I’m twenty years closer to death than most of you, and poor Will is centuries gone. But you’re closer than you think. […]

On the Edge: Mormonism’s Single Men

The Doctrine and Covenants contains extremely specific instructions concerning marriage for men:  In the celestial glory there are three heavens or degrees;

Transcript of Trib Talk: A new Mormon faith crisis?

[…] joined Collin McDonald to talk with Salt Lake Tribune Reporter Jennifer Napier-Pearce on Trib Talk about whe ther there is “A new Mormon faith crisis?” The dialogue that resulted on this issue is both enriching and […]

The Temple: Historical Origins and Religious Value

Dialogue 27.3 (1994): 289–298Over time Joseph Smith changed his stance on freemasonary, which led to him being included as part of the group. Some of the common aspects of freemasonry introduced into the endowment ceremony.