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Church Influence Upon the Family

[…] October, 1966, General Conference. The first is that of taking the message of the restoration to the world. “The other great purpose of the Church is to translate truth into a better social order […]

Three Myths About Mormons in Latin America

[…] cultural mainstream. Although successful missions were established among the Indians and especially among the Polynesians, it was nevertheless the English-speaking white Americans who gave the Church its leadership and set the tone of its culture.

Halldor Laxness, the Mormons and the Promised Land

[…] pen into a weapon against social injustice. His stark masterpieces Salka Valka (1931-32), Independent People (1934) and World Light (1937-40) depict the plight of defenseless and abject people struggling indomitably against indifferent nature and […]

Art and the Church: or “The Truths of Smoother”

[…] arts.  Old Nick had circled some passages in a bright red magic marker. I quote:  In our world, there have risen brilliant stars in drama, music, literature, sculpture, painting, science, and all the graces. […]

Bodies, Babies, and Birth Control

Dialogue 36.3 (Fall 2003): 159–175
In this paper I will explore official and unofficial messages that theLDS church has sent to girls and women about childbearing during the twentieth century and the effect those messages […]

Polygamy, Mormonism, and Me

Dialogue 41.2 (Summer 2009): 85–101Hardy describes the long, difficult process of researching polygamy during a time that the church wasn’t open about polygamy.