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The Blasphemy of Indifference

[…] resolved them by asking ourselves some other questions: What is the role of the Church in a world crisis? What can the Church do in war prevention? Who can provide counsel and guidance on […]

Middle Buddha

[…] another, Taiwan became my cause, my defense, the raison d’etre for any knowledge I had of the world.  And the day before this essay goes to the editor, I receive a letter from Jen […]

I Married a Family

[…] boys were all gone—on missions, to school, married, in the military (we had four of them in World War II). Walter had finished college and was teaching. We traded the big house for a […]

The “Brass Plates” and Biblical Scholarship

[…] they did contain the five books of Moses, which give an account of the creation of the world, and also of Adam and Eve, Who were our first parents; and also a record of […]

And We Were Young

[…] found gold on reservation property, we killed more Indians, drew more treaties, and moved the fences. Our world never shrank as small as theirs, or changed so fast. They were only here first, and […]

Leonard James Arrington: His Life and Work

[…] Historian,” Dialogue, 6 (Spring 1972): 23.  Leonard’s philosophy and goals are revealed in the following articles: Church News, (January 15, 1972), p. 3, and (March 4, 1972), p. 3: The New Era, 4 (May […]

Reflections on the Restoration

The world’s living religions began with the lives and teachings of charismatic leaders such as Moses, Buddha, Confucius, Jesus, and Muham mad. Each won a following by the force of his character, the witness […]

Dialogue Topic Pages #7: Book of Mormon Topics, Part 1

[…] Wilson’s plea, this remains a controversial appeal. Summer 1969 examines an interesting, initially promising approach to New World archeology, a project that included Latter-day Saints interested in locating a context for the Book of […]