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[…] backward over the surface flowing just a few feet below, my mind would flow to a safe world inside me.  There was the vacant lot across from Grandma Hartvigsen’s that grew pepper weeds three […]

The Grace of the Court

[…] And here again came a surge of assurance of method mixed with all the madness in the world. Just looking at the metal letters with the backdrop of stars, I felt like a wayward […]

Called Not to Serve

[…] career. That I did not care to improve my craft before trying to announce myself to the world was the first of my failures and an example of my prideful tendencies, an obvious parallel […]

Excommunication and Finding Wholeness

[…] 54.1 (Spring 2021): 69–79
Five years after my excommunication, I met and entered into a relationship with the man who is my husband to this day. We became a couple in 1991; we held […]

How the LDS Church Can Follow Its Prescribed Steps of Repentance to Reduce Its Systemic Racism

[…] Riess, “Forty Years On, Most US Mormons Still Believe the Racist Priesthood/Temple Ban Was God’s Will,” Religion News, June 11, 2018, Howard A. Christy, “Open Hand and Mailed Fist: Mormon-Indian Relations in Utah, […]