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Writing the Mormon Past

Dialogue 1.3 (Fall 1966): 47–62
Understanding Mormon history involves appreciating some of the formidable obstacles which confront throse who seek to write it. There is still sensitivity among Mormons to probing that might bring embarrassment […]


These things happened fifty years ago. It was 1962, the year of the World’s Fair in Seattle. I was twenty-one and had just finished my junior year at Utah State University in Logan. My […]

Requiem in L Minor

[…] which she kept her clipboard and cross word puzzles. “I’m a tough old bird,” she boasted. During World War II, she had worked in the Richmond shipyards, “like Rosie the Riveter,” she said.  Jill […]

Two-Dog Dose

[…] vigorous than before, but there is a tremor in its legs that suggests its time in this world may not be much longer. Lorin gets as close as he dares and takes aim. The […]

Among the Mormons: A Survey of Current Literature

[…] Bookcraft and Deseret Book and articles in Mormon journals such as the Improvement Era and the Church News were not included under the assumption that our readers would be aware of these materials. It […]

Letters to the Editor

[…] frankness in dealing with sexual matters. Are we to exclude Catcher in the Rye or Brave New World or Go Tell It on the Mountain because of certain pas sages that might offend a puritanical […]

Our Last Days

[…] cards away.  If she hadn’t taken the cards away though, I might never have known that the world was coming to an end on Wednesday. The boy who sat on the other side of […]

Reed Smoot, The L.D.S. Church and Progressive Legislation, 1903-1933

[…] unable to care for themselves has rested with government. English settlers brought the tradition to the New World and Americans carried it westward as the nation expanded. Private and religious charitable associations supplemented governmental […]