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The Church as Media Proprietor

[…] our century make it possible for the LDS Church to reach a wide audience indeed, even a worldwide one, and the revolution in delivery systems is still in its infancy.  It is sometimes suggested […]

The Liberal Institute: A Case Study in National Assimilation

[…] “a flea to the size of a horse.” Bentham Fabian’s unsuccessful lecture, “The Past History of the World,” combined geology, Biblical fundamentalism, and bloody sacrifices. “Had it been delivered before the Japanese Embassy, as […]

Light and Dark Thoughts on Death

[…] envisions eternal rest. The meek will at last inherit an earth, and the powerful look for new worlds to conquer. Justice will come to the oppressed. Women hope and fear to discover their Heavenly […]

Being Mormon: An LDS Response

[…] lifestyles exist. What, then, produces the frequently expressed feeling that as Mormons we are part of a world-wide family whose members be long wherever they might be? Does that comfortable sense of belonging arise […]

Theology as Poetry

[…] phrase, “Without the new, the being of everything is nothing.” It was precisely because Jesus made the world new with every word and every act that Christianity offers such hope. The genius and inspiration […]

The September Six and the Lost Generation of Mormon Studies

[…] 1990s were halcyon years for Mormons and Mormonism. The Church was the “fastest growing religion in the world”—at least, that’s what we told ourselves, aided by sociologist Rodney Stark’s grandiose projections. Anything that happened […]