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Helen John: The Beginnings of Indian Placement

Perhaps o thers than Helen John, Amy Avery, Golden and Thelma Buchanan, and Spencer W. Kimball might have compounded an equally powerful scheme for blessing the lives of Indians, but to these individuals fell […]

Joseph Smith and the Clash of Sacred Cultures

Dialogue 18.4 (Winter 1984): 65–80
Shortly after the church was organized, one of Joseph Smith’s main priorities during his lifetime was preaching to the Native Americans, who he believed to be the descendants of […]

Queer Mormon Histories and the Politics of a Usable Past

Dialogue 54.1 (Spring 2021): 1–16
Essentially, the debate becomes whether it is appropriate to apply the adjectives “gay,” “homosexual,” “transgender,” or similar terms to persons who lived before these terms had any meaning. Yale […]

Mormon Dissent in the Age of Fracture

[…] most crucial moments held up a mirror to what was happening in society around them. The post– World War II economic boom that catapulted many white Americans to material success inaugurated a brief era […]

Evolution and Creation: Two World Views

Dialogue 17.1 (Spring 1984): 44–50
The big question for me in this controversy is whether freedom of inquiry, with the agonizing ambiguity that accompanies it, will be sacrificed to the interests of those who […]

A Dialogue with Henry Eyring

Dialogue 8.3/4 (1973): 99–108
Over the years Henry Eyring’s status in the first rank of scientists has become secure. He has produced a staggering volume of research publications in the fields of his interests: […]

The Faith of a Psychologist: A Personal Document

[…] many people in my field had rejected even a belief in a deity and conceived of the world from an extremely mechanistic, stimulus-response point of view. Was I being intellectually honest? Did I have […]