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First Place: Times and Seasons

Listen to the Out Loud Interview about this article here. They came to us just before spring arrived, at the same time I began putting seeds into the ground in my garden. Lettuce, spinach, […]

Mormon Women in the Ministry

Dialogue 53.1 (Spr ing 2020): 129–142
Interview with Brittany Mangelson who is a full-time minister for Community of Christ. She has a master of arts in religion from Graceland University and works as a social […]

Honorable Mention: Butterflies

[…] had wings and could lift into the sky and fly anywhere he wished. How she wanted the world to be a lovely place for him, no troubles, no worries. How she wished everything could […]

The Celestial Kingdom

[…] of food in their basements. Julie’s mother, however, refused to “stockpile,” a position she had taken during World War II. The rest of the room was better supplied. Julie’s father owned a lot of […]

Like the Rose

[…] told her I thought that when we finished the album it would be the end of the world. Mother thought that was very funny and told the elders. At the next Family Home Evening […]

The Widower

[…] irritants made him hateful and angry. Ridiculous, really. Thirty-three and a bitter old man. Why in the world did he think he would make a good husband? Why in the world was he getting […]