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Letters to the Editor

Dear Bro ther Price, In view of the message regarding Dialogue’s possible demise after this year, which we received with our last issue, it seemed appropriate to include some of my feelings along with […]

Art, Religion and the Market Place

[…] the spirit may not be quite so axiomatic, though I think it should be. But in a world of art still in the process of emerging from the depths of naturalistic pessimism, and emerging, […]

I, Eye, Aye: A Personal Essay on Personal Essays

[…] lose myself among the trapped and degenerate. How else am I to find what I in this world must find—myself? Every soul has its own South. Especially a Mormon’s.  Keller suffers more beautifully on […]

Freud as Friend of the Gospel

[…] of the science of psychology. Dynamic psychiatry investigates an individual’s psychic reality: his subjective view of the world with its distortions, fantasies, wishes and fears. A believing Mormon can acknowledge the reality of a […]

Social Science and Religious Beliefs: Some Misconceptions

[…] man’s unconscious, dissected the strange beliefs of tribal societies and examined the religious survivors of a secularized world in search of naturalistic explanations of religious phenomena with the result that the validity of religious […]

The Enduring Significance of the Mormon Trek

[…] scriptures include those of Abraham from Ur to Canaan, the Jaredites from the tower to the New World and Lehi and his family from Jerusalem to the Americas. Perhaps the most relevant similar experience […]

Did the Word of Wisdom Become a Commandment in 1851?

Joseph Fielding Smith, Apostle and Church Historian, once published an answer to an inquiry about when the Word of Wisdom became a commandment. His response, widely accepted as definitive both then and subsequently, was […]

The Millennial Hymns of Parley P. Pratt

[…] shadows flee;  Lo! Zion’s standard is unfurled.  The dawning of a brighter day  Majestic rises on the worldThe clouds of error disappear  Before the rays of truth divine;  The glory, bursting from afar,  […]

An Eternal Quest: Freedom of the Mind

[…] some topical remarks. Internal headings have also been omitted.  One of the most important things in the world is freedom of the mind; from this all other freedoms spring. Such freedom is necessarily dangerous, […]

Thoughts of a Mormon Centurion

[…] Kurt Sontheimer, both very influential in Germany today.  Catholic Christians have organized themselves within “Pax Christi,” the worldwide peace effort founded in France in 1944. They participate actively in the peace movement with the […]