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The Captivity Narrative on Mormon Trails, 1846-65

The captivity narrative is one of the oldest literary genres of the New World: some 1,000 examples survive from the sixteenth century. It is also one of the earliest forms of popular literature in […]

Review: Stephen H. Webb’s Mormon Christianity

[…] tradition. ”The Mormon imagination is solidly grounded in material reality,” writes Webb, “but it takes the physical world to new and unheard-of heights” (10). Webb believes Christian lungs can benefit from the rarefied air […]

I Am a Child of Gods

Dialogue 55.1 (Spring 2022): 99–118 Mormon feminists should consider how to better include intersex, nonbinary, and trans women in their ambitions. Queerness is more than homosexuality.

The Mama Dragon Story Project

Dialogue 49.2 (Summer 2016): 61–80
The photographs and essays featured in this issue of Dialogue come from Kimberly Anderson’s Mama Dragon Story Project: A Collection of Portraits and Essays from Mothers Who Love Their […]

Eve’s Choice

[…] “An abortion is a very sad thing.” He paused, bracing himself. “But a child coming into this world unwanted is tragic.” It is in this context that I grew up a faithful member of […]

A Missionary Farewell

[…] This kind of remote coordination is commonplace in our pandemic era. But pre-2000, a time when the world had barely discovered email and more than two decades before Zoom, it was no small task. […]

creation story

[…] the jewel-toned beetles and cavern cathedrals and the slick blesmols. The translucent jellyfish and the elegant other worldly bats. The velutinous darkness I see when I close my eyes and look out is what […]

In Defense of the Market Place

Professor Clark’s “Art, Religion, and the Market Place” takes us into a very interesting world in which Art and Religion (the good guys) are engaged in a deathly struggle with the Market Place (the […]