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Miguel Aju

[…] its pointed tip, flying with Tomas, flying with his wife, and flying by himself over all the world, over all people who were suddenly small and helpless. And when he awoke, it was his […]


[…] a dream, but when I stepped out of the tent I found that the rest of the world had ceased to exist and that our camp was floating in a sea of nothing. In […]

Coyote Laughter

[…] want. The first time Wayne saw the sea—saw its gray meet the clouded horizon—he realized that the world was vast and he was nothing in it. He felt soothed to sense his own smallness […]

The Siege of Troy

[…] talking to him in English, non-stop, talking and talking, and I had no idea what in the world she was saying. But when Troy saw me, he brightened up like a Christmas tree. He […]

The Newlyweds

[…] you checked her out.”  I try to counter but can’t. Instead, I turn on the TV and search for a baseball game. Big fan—I used to play, before getting hitched. Kendra pur posefully avoids […]

Fish Stories

[…] bask in the reflected achievements of her husband and sons. Their job was to perform on the world’s stage; her job was to sell popcorn, pom-poms, and programs and cheer loudly from the stands. […]

Acute Distress, Intensive Care

[…] his eyes ask. “Can she hear us?” “Perhaps on some level,” the doctor says in precisely enunciated English. “She is agitated.”  “Maybe it’s nicotine withdrawal,” Carma offers. “She smokes a pack or two a […]

What the Church Means to People Like Me

[…] of the immanence of God in human affairs that the apparently pointless evil and injustice in the world can be handled by the valid assertion that God’s ways are not man’s ways. He is […]