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Introduction: The Future of Mormonism

[…] once directed by an organization — the Council of Fifty — and an aspiration — imminent theocratic  world government — which contemporary Mormons have scarcely heard of. Britton argues that Mormons in general were […]

Thoughts on Mormon “Neoorthodoxy”

The two following commentaries on O. Kendall White’s “The Transformation of Mormon Theology” (Summer 1970) were received as Letters to the Editor, but due to their length we felt they would receive more […]

Controlling Pornography: The Scientific and Moral Issues

[…] years discussing what has become known as “the new morality.” Such articles have appeared in the daily newspapers, news magazines, women’s magazines, general interest pictorial magazines, as well as in dignified journals of thought. […]

A New Look at Repentance: Guilt: A Psychiatrist’s Viewpoint

[…] a problem mastered?  We agreed that it is indeed unfortunate that a few psychiatrists, considering themselves the world’s most sophisticated citizens, have what might be called a Jehovah complex and feel it is their […]

On the Mormon Commitment to Education

[…] human creations against the more or less measurable effects of discoveries, inventions, and creations in the material world is of course meaningless in one way. And yet our sense of comparative values insists on […]

Among the Mormons: A Survey of Current Literature

[…] of our bibliographical interest. Once again we are pleased to share with our readers humor from the world of scholarship.  No doubt the most weighty thesis for 1971 and 1972 was “Weighing Wet Diapers: […]

The Role of Music in the Reorganized Church

Sharing the love of music as the common heritage of Mormonism throughout the world, the Reorganization has experienced a steady growth in the use and development of music by its membership. Congregational singing has […]