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The New Biology and Mormon Theology

Exegetes as willing and capable as Orson Pratt to combine empirical and theological insights have all but disappeared from the Mormon scene. His successors have retained the enthusiastic optimism of early Mormonism, but they […]

The Obsessive-Compulsive Mormon

[…] Where does it come from? From the parts of us that seem unacceptable in the orderly, adult world. Rampant impulses of sexuality, aggression and messiness must be tamed and suppressed. Feelings that arise in […]

The Depot

[…] on. She had just seen her father’s grave for the first time, having been half across the world when he died. Then the house. And now the missing depot made her feel part of […]

Personal Conscience and Priesthood Authority

[…] young people live in an age when freedom of the mind is suppressed over much of the world. We must preserve it in the Church and in America and resist all efforts of earnest […]

An Introduction to Mormon Administrative History

[…] Indonesia as a case study. He raises serious questions about the future of the Church in Third World nations—questions especially centered in the manner the gospel is presented for non-Western cultures.  Brooke and Jill […]

I Was a Stranger . . .

[…] refugees. According to the United Nations Refugee Agency, there are currently almost 71 million forcibly displaced people worldwide, including 26 million who have had to leave their home country, an all-time record. On average, […]

Mothers and Authority

[…] in the Church. To add insult to injury, in the endowment’s depiction of the creation of the world and humankind, Heavenly Mother was nowhere to be found. Creation was an all-male endeavor. I sobbed […]