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“If Thou Wilt Be Perfect”

[…] that we who claim to have the greatest program of care for the poor in all the world are yet many times the most guilty of turning our backs upon them. We are so […]

The Mormons in Early Illinois: An Introduction

[…] of the work on Nauvoo Restoration, Incorporated, which was established in 1962, and the inadequacy of re search on this important phase of U.S. history, the library decided to sponsor a conference on “The […]

A Continuing Dialogue

[…] but who also shared some of my deepest feelings about the life of the spirit in the world, who seemed unafraid to think, to explore, to question—and unembarrassed to fast, to pray, and to […]

Letters to the Editor

[…] But the doctrine of gathering has been suspended and our job now is to live in the world. While we may know well enough who we are in testimony meetings and Ward Council and […]

Sources of Mormon Americana in Utah

This paper was written during the summer of 1968 for a course in special problems in the acquisition of materials at the UCLA Graduate School of Library Service. The original paper has been revised […]

Goodbye to Poplarhaven

[…] trappers who passed through in 1830 described it as “the most desolate and forlorn dell in the world” and preferred to “forego the acquisition of any benefit in the world” rather than remain there. However, […]