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Review: Call to Action: Hope of Nature George B. Handley, The Hope of Nature

The Hope of Nature is structured with three sets of three (I might be tempted here to make a Star Wars three trilogies joke, but I will refrain for the sake of a serious forum).…

Pando: The Secret Life of Trees

Death in a Dry Climate John Bennion. Ezekiel’s Third Wife.

Out of the Garden: The Nature of Revelation in Romanticism, Naturalism, and Modernism

Bodies Material and Bodies Textual: Conflation of Woman and Animal in the Wilderness

Reading the Word: Spirit Materiality in the Mountain Landscapes of Nan Shepherd

“To Restore the Physical World”: The Body of Christ, the Redemption of the Natural World, and Mormonism’s Environmental Dilemma

Review: “Is this the Promised End?” Steven L. Peck. The Tragedy of King Leere, Goatherd of the La Sals.

Review: On Truth George B. Handley. If Truth Were a Child: Essays

Review: Can Faith Survive Choice and Circumstance? Jack Harrell. Caldera Ridge.

The River Rerun

Morning 3, Nankoweap Camp  Across the river, she sees a big brown lump shamble over to the water’s edge. She wants it to be graceful, sleek, to glide through the water, not lumber like a…

When The Mormon Church Invested in Southern Nevada Gold Mines

During the worst economic depression in the history of the United States up to 1929, that of the 1890’s, the highest leaders of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, along with several other church members, purchased a cluster of promising mines and claims in Nye County, Nevada. Desperate for funds after a decade-long judicial onslaught by the federal government, which included confiscation and misuse of church property, the church saw this gold mining enterprise as a good way to recoup church financial security.

The Current Philosophy of Consciousness Landscape: Where Does LDS Thought Fit?


The reservoir was drying up, and the former townspeople of Jordan Gap came to the receding shoreline at the end of winter. They camped on the flat and stood in the mud at the edge…

Narnia’s Aslan, Earth’s Darwin, and Heaven’s God

Dreams of Summer

Field Walking

Jennifer is a mother of three—Sadie in high school, Carson in middle school, Jordan in elementary—which means weekdays start at 6:00 A.M. and quickly unspool, devolving into a mad scramble of showers and hair dryers…

Famine and Scarcity

After the Wind

Review: Call to Action: Hope of Nature George B. Handley, The Hope of Nature

The Hope of Nature is structured with three sets of three (I might be tempted here to make a Star Wars three trilogies joke, but I will refrain for the sake of a serious forum).…

Pando: The Secret Life of Trees

Death in a Dry Climate John Bennion. Ezekiel’s Third Wife.

Out of the Garden: The Nature of Revelation in Romanticism, Naturalism, and Modernism

Bodies Material and Bodies Textual: Conflation of Woman and Animal in the Wilderness

Reading the Word: Spirit Materiality in the Mountain Landscapes of Nan Shepherd

“To Restore the Physical World”: The Body of Christ, the Redemption of the Natural World, and Mormonism’s Environmental Dilemma

Review: “Is this the Promised End?” Steven L. Peck. The Tragedy of King Leere, Goatherd of the La Sals.

Review: On Truth George B. Handley. If Truth Were a Child: Essays

Review: Can Faith Survive Choice and Circumstance? Jack Harrell. Caldera Ridge.

The River Rerun

Morning 3, Nankoweap Camp  Across the river, she sees a big brown lump shamble over to the water’s edge. She wants it to be graceful, sleek, to glide through the water, not lumber like a…

When The Mormon Church Invested in Southern Nevada Gold Mines

During the worst economic depression in the history of the United States up to 1929, that of the 1890’s, the highest leaders of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, along with several other church members, purchased a cluster of promising mines and claims in Nye County, Nevada. Desperate for funds after a decade-long judicial onslaught by the federal government, which included confiscation and misuse of church property, the church saw this gold mining enterprise as a good way to recoup church financial security.

The Current Philosophy of Consciousness Landscape: Where Does LDS Thought Fit?


The reservoir was drying up, and the former townspeople of Jordan Gap came to the receding shoreline at the end of winter. They camped on the flat and stood in the mud at the edge…

Narnia’s Aslan, Earth’s Darwin, and Heaven’s God

Dreams of Summer

Field Walking

Jennifer is a mother of three—Sadie in high school, Carson in middle school, Jordan in elementary—which means weekdays start at 6:00 A.M. and quickly unspool, devolving into a mad scramble of showers and hair dryers…

Famine and Scarcity

After the Wind