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This Girl Is On Fire: Strength, Faith, and Ninety-Nine Fire Hoops Allison Hong Merrill, Ninety-Nine Fire Hoops: A Memoir

Review: An Excellent Historiography into  the Complexities of Mexican Mormondom Elisa Eastwood Pulido, The Spiritual Evolution of Margarito Bautista: Mexican Mormon Evangelizer, Polygamist Dissident, and Utopian Founder, 1878–1961

Personal Voices: To Be Young, Mormon, and Tongan

Review Essay: Mormon Poetry, 2012 to the Present

Decolonizing the Blossoming: Indigenous People’s Faith in a Colonizing Church

There’s No Such Thing as a Gospel Culture

Can Mormons be White in America?

Thoughts on Latino Mormons, Their Afterlife, and the Need for a New Historical Paradigm for Saints of Color

Le Train à Grande Vitesse

. . . we are passengers on the train of the Church . . . the luxury of getting on and off the train as we please is fading. The speed of the train is…

Mexicans, Tourism, and Book of Mormon Geography

Dialogue 50.2 (Summer 2017):55–88
Maintaining a conviction of the truthfulness of the Book of Mormon
is no easy task in the era of DNA studies, archaeological excavations, and
aggressive attacks by evangelical Protestants. Latter-day Saints cultivate
commitment to the veracity of the Book of Mormon in many different

LDS Prospects in Italy for the Twenty-first Century

The Dream of a Mormon Colony in the Near East

For almost 130 years, Mormon missionaries have been going to foreign lands. Most of this activity has been in Western European countries where the culture and the political and social institutions were quite similar to…

Middle Buddha

How shall we sing the Lord’s song in a strange land?  Psalm 137:4 If anybody asks me where I’ve been, I say Utah and China. When I realized that “Southern Far East Mission” didn’t mean…

God and Man in History

The Reorganization in the Twentieth Century

Revolution and Mormonism in Asia: What the Church Might Offer a Changing Society

Three Myths About Mormons in Latin America

Mormons in the Third Reich: 1933-1945

Moderation in All Things: Political and Social Outlooks of Modern Urban Mormons


Typhoon rains were pounding the house for the fifth consecutive night. I was preparing for bed with a candle and a bowl of water when I heard urgent feet on the stairs. Belen Rivera, our…

The Church and la Politica Italiano

The Church in Egypt

First Indian Convert’s Testimony

Three Cathedrals in Spain

How International is the Church in Japan?

Russian Writers Look at Mormon Manners, 1857-72

The Church Moves Outside the United States

The Expansion of Mormonism in the South Pacific

Mormonism and Maoism: The Church and People’s China

Escape from Viet Nam: An Interview with Nguyen Van The

Expanding LDS Church Abroad: Old Realities Compounded

Polynesian Origins: More Word on the Mormon Perspective

Friends of West Africa

From “Zion’s Attic”: The Mormon Presence in Canada

Heloise and Abelard: Letters from Exile, The Correspondence of Martha Hughes Cannon and Angus M. Cannon

The Rise of the Church in Great Britain: Mormons in Early Victorian Britain edited by Richard L. Jensen and Malcolm R. Thorp

Humor and Pathos: Stories of the Mormon Diaspora: Benediction: A Book of Stories by Neal Chandler

My Ghosts

Is There Such a Thing as a “Moral War”?

The Moral Failures of Operation Desert Storm

The Thoughtful Patriot — 1991

Mormonism in the Twenty-first Century

Mormonism in Modern Japan

Between Covenant and Treaty: The LDS Future in New Zealand

Between Covenant and Treaty: The LDS Future in New Zealand

Towards 2000: Mormonism in Australia

Reinventing Mormonism: Guatemala as Harbinger of the Future?

Mormonism in Latin America: Towards the Twenty-first Century

Ethnization and Accommodation

Feeding the Fleeing Flock

Science and Mormonism: Past, Present, Future

Dialogue 29.1 (Spring 1996): 80–97
Will the church be able to retain the essence of its theology in the faceof challenges from science? Will the church’s discourse on scientific topicsbe marked by fundamentalism, isolationism, or progressivism? Will the church be able to retain its large contingent of professional scientists?

Thinking About the Word of God in the Twenty-First Century

Membership Growth, Church Activity, Missionary Recruitment

Membership Growth, Church Activity, Missionary Recruitment

The Uncertain Dynamics of LDS Expansion, 1950-2020

The Uncertain Dynamics of LDS Expansion, 1950-2020

Guest Editor’s Introduction


Mom moved up to Santa Barbara, and Dad started having girlfriends over. Ladyfriends, he called them. When I stayed home sick from school, I saw the ladyfriends leave for work. “How cute. Is this yours?”…

Evidence Without Reconciliation: The Creation of the Book of Mormon: A Historical Inquiry by Lamar Petersen

Bringing Balance to Our Historical Writing: From Mission to Madness: Last Son of the Mormon Prophet by Valeen Tippetts Avery

Missionaries, Missions, Converts, Cultures: Mormon Passage: A Missionary Chronicle by Gary Shepherd and Gordon Shepherd

Building Cultural Bridges: Asian American Mormons: Bridging Cultures by Jessie L. Embry

Mission Complexities in Asia: From the East: The History of the Latter-day Saints in Asia, 1851-1996 by R. Lanier Britsch

The LDS Sound World and Global Mormonism


The Dynamics of LDS Growth in Guatemala, 1948-1998

Gethsemane and Calvary in LDS Soteriology

Place, Time, and Family in Mormonism

Mormon Studies in a European Setting

The Diverse Sheep of Israel: Should the Shepherds Resemble Their Flocks?

A Marvelous Work and a Possession: Book of Mormon Historicity as Postcolonialism

Dialogue 38.4 (Winter 2006):45–82
the original text, unfortunately, no longer exists on this earth, and we are left only with the assurances of a “translator” that the testimony contained in the record is “true,” although we do not, in fact, have even the complete text as it left the hand of the translator/scribe.

Mormon Europeans or European Mormons? An “”Afro-European”” View on Religious Colonization

Thinking Globally: Explorations into a Truly International, Multi-Cultural Church

Yesterday’s People

Perseverance amid Paradox: The Struggle of the LDS Church in Japan Today

How Missionaries Entered East Germany: The 1988 Monson-Honecker Meeting

Latter-day Saints under Siege: The Unique Experience of Nicaraguan Mormons

“The Other” in the Limelight: One Perspective on the Publicity Surrounding the New LDS Temple in Finland

Dialogue 40.4 (2007): 70–105
The purpose of this article is to begin filling that gap by discussing some of the publicity accompanying the recently built Helsinki FinlandTemple, located in the southern Finland city of Espoo.

Hands Raised Up: Corruption, Power, and Context in Bolivian Mormonism

The Scholarly Study of Mormonism in Finland: An Overview of Literature, Research Ideas, and Sources

In Taiwan but Not of Taiwan: Challenges of the LDS Church in the Wake of the Indigenous Movement

In a Better Country

But now they desire a better country, that is, an heavenly home . . . Heb. 11:16 “You don’t have to go,” she whispered, the morning grogginess in her voice betraying an urgency that was…


At nineteen, a Mormon missionary in Brazil, I felt foreign in every part, torn from language.  “Boy, it’s cold out,” I’d quip to the natives.  “No, Elder, hot” they’d say. “The word is hot.”  At…

El Problema del Dolor/The Problem of Pain

“An American Enterprise”: An Interview with Massimo Introvigne

Review: Hugh J. Cannon. To the Peripheries of Mormondom. Edited by Reid Neilson

Review: Kim Östman. The Introduction of Mormonism to Finnish Society, 1840–1900

Review: Armand L. Mauss. Shifting Borders and a Tattered Passport: Intellectual Journeys of a Mormon Academic

Comparing Mormon and Adventist Growth Patterns in Latin America: The Chilean Case

What Does Kashi Have to Do With Salt Lake?: Academic Comparisons, Asian Religions, and Mormonism

Crossing the Planes: Gathering, Grafting, and Second Sight in the Hong Kong China International District

Review: Confident Interpretations of Silence David Conley Nelson. Moroni and the Swastika: Mormons in Nazi Germany

The Righteous Road

My mom held her hand over the phone. “It’s Reed,” she whispered. I took the phone and leaned against the countertop. “Hello,” I said. “Hello.” “What, Derrick? No call?” Reed asked. “I didn’t know you…

This Girl Is On Fire: Strength, Faith, and Ninety-Nine Fire Hoops Allison Hong Merrill, Ninety-Nine Fire Hoops: A Memoir

Review: An Excellent Historiography into  the Complexities of Mexican Mormondom Elisa Eastwood Pulido, The Spiritual Evolution of Margarito Bautista: Mexican Mormon Evangelizer, Polygamist Dissident, and Utopian Founder, 1878–1961

Personal Voices: To Be Young, Mormon, and Tongan

Review Essay: Mormon Poetry, 2012 to the Present

Decolonizing the Blossoming: Indigenous People’s Faith in a Colonizing Church

There’s No Such Thing as a Gospel Culture

Can Mormons be White in America?

Thoughts on Latino Mormons, Their Afterlife, and the Need for a New Historical Paradigm for Saints of Color

Le Train à Grande Vitesse

. . . we are passengers on the train of the Church . . . the luxury of getting on and off the train as we please is fading. The speed of the train is…

Mexicans, Tourism, and Book of Mormon Geography

Dialogue 50.2 (Summer 2017):55–88
Maintaining a conviction of the truthfulness of the Book of Mormon
is no easy task in the era of DNA studies, archaeological excavations, and
aggressive attacks by evangelical Protestants. Latter-day Saints cultivate
commitment to the veracity of the Book of Mormon in many different

LDS Prospects in Italy for the Twenty-first Century

The Dream of a Mormon Colony in the Near East

For almost 130 years, Mormon missionaries have been going to foreign lands. Most of this activity has been in Western European countries where the culture and the political and social institutions were quite similar to…

Middle Buddha

How shall we sing the Lord’s song in a strange land?  Psalm 137:4 If anybody asks me where I’ve been, I say Utah and China. When I realized that “Southern Far East Mission” didn’t mean…

God and Man in History

The Reorganization in the Twentieth Century

Revolution and Mormonism in Asia: What the Church Might Offer a Changing Society

Three Myths About Mormons in Latin America

Mormons in the Third Reich: 1933-1945

Moderation in All Things: Political and Social Outlooks of Modern Urban Mormons


Typhoon rains were pounding the house for the fifth consecutive night. I was preparing for bed with a candle and a bowl of water when I heard urgent feet on the stairs. Belen Rivera, our…

The Church and la Politica Italiano

The Church in Egypt

First Indian Convert’s Testimony

Three Cathedrals in Spain

How International is the Church in Japan?

Russian Writers Look at Mormon Manners, 1857-72

The Church Moves Outside the United States

The Expansion of Mormonism in the South Pacific

Mormonism and Maoism: The Church and People’s China

Escape from Viet Nam: An Interview with Nguyen Van The

Expanding LDS Church Abroad: Old Realities Compounded

Polynesian Origins: More Word on the Mormon Perspective

Friends of West Africa

From “Zion’s Attic”: The Mormon Presence in Canada

Heloise and Abelard: Letters from Exile, The Correspondence of Martha Hughes Cannon and Angus M. Cannon

The Rise of the Church in Great Britain: Mormons in Early Victorian Britain edited by Richard L. Jensen and Malcolm R. Thorp

Humor and Pathos: Stories of the Mormon Diaspora: Benediction: A Book of Stories by Neal Chandler

My Ghosts

Is There Such a Thing as a “Moral War”?

The Moral Failures of Operation Desert Storm

The Thoughtful Patriot — 1991

Mormonism in the Twenty-first Century

Mormonism in Modern Japan

Between Covenant and Treaty: The LDS Future in New Zealand

Between Covenant and Treaty: The LDS Future in New Zealand

Towards 2000: Mormonism in Australia

Reinventing Mormonism: Guatemala as Harbinger of the Future?

Mormonism in Latin America: Towards the Twenty-first Century

Ethnization and Accommodation

Feeding the Fleeing Flock

Science and Mormonism: Past, Present, Future

Dialogue 29.1 (Spring 1996): 80–97
Will the church be able to retain the essence of its theology in the faceof challenges from science? Will the church’s discourse on scientific topicsbe marked by fundamentalism, isolationism, or progressivism? Will the church be able to retain its large contingent of professional scientists?

Thinking About the Word of God in the Twenty-First Century

Membership Growth, Church Activity, Missionary Recruitment

Membership Growth, Church Activity, Missionary Recruitment

The Uncertain Dynamics of LDS Expansion, 1950-2020

The Uncertain Dynamics of LDS Expansion, 1950-2020

Guest Editor’s Introduction


Mom moved up to Santa Barbara, and Dad started having girlfriends over. Ladyfriends, he called them. When I stayed home sick from school, I saw the ladyfriends leave for work. “How cute. Is this yours?”…

Evidence Without Reconciliation: The Creation of the Book of Mormon: A Historical Inquiry by Lamar Petersen

Bringing Balance to Our Historical Writing: From Mission to Madness: Last Son of the Mormon Prophet by Valeen Tippetts Avery

Missionaries, Missions, Converts, Cultures: Mormon Passage: A Missionary Chronicle by Gary Shepherd and Gordon Shepherd

Building Cultural Bridges: Asian American Mormons: Bridging Cultures by Jessie L. Embry

Mission Complexities in Asia: From the East: The History of the Latter-day Saints in Asia, 1851-1996 by R. Lanier Britsch

The LDS Sound World and Global Mormonism


The Dynamics of LDS Growth in Guatemala, 1948-1998

Gethsemane and Calvary in LDS Soteriology

Place, Time, and Family in Mormonism

Mormon Studies in a European Setting

The Diverse Sheep of Israel: Should the Shepherds Resemble Their Flocks?

A Marvelous Work and a Possession: Book of Mormon Historicity as Postcolonialism

Dialogue 38.4 (Winter 2006):45–82
the original text, unfortunately, no longer exists on this earth, and we are left only with the assurances of a “translator” that the testimony contained in the record is “true,” although we do not, in fact, have even the complete text as it left the hand of the translator/scribe.

Mormon Europeans or European Mormons? An “”Afro-European”” View on Religious Colonization

Thinking Globally: Explorations into a Truly International, Multi-Cultural Church

Yesterday’s People

Perseverance amid Paradox: The Struggle of the LDS Church in Japan Today

How Missionaries Entered East Germany: The 1988 Monson-Honecker Meeting

Latter-day Saints under Siege: The Unique Experience of Nicaraguan Mormons

“The Other” in the Limelight: One Perspective on the Publicity Surrounding the New LDS Temple in Finland

Dialogue 40.4 (2007): 70–105
The purpose of this article is to begin filling that gap by discussing some of the publicity accompanying the recently built Helsinki FinlandTemple, located in the southern Finland city of Espoo.

Hands Raised Up: Corruption, Power, and Context in Bolivian Mormonism

The Scholarly Study of Mormonism in Finland: An Overview of Literature, Research Ideas, and Sources

In Taiwan but Not of Taiwan: Challenges of the LDS Church in the Wake of the Indigenous Movement

In a Better Country

But now they desire a better country, that is, an heavenly home . . . Heb. 11:16 “You don’t have to go,” she whispered, the morning grogginess in her voice betraying an urgency that was…


At nineteen, a Mormon missionary in Brazil, I felt foreign in every part, torn from language.  “Boy, it’s cold out,” I’d quip to the natives.  “No, Elder, hot” they’d say. “The word is hot.”  At…

El Problema del Dolor/The Problem of Pain

“An American Enterprise”: An Interview with Massimo Introvigne

Review: Hugh J. Cannon. To the Peripheries of Mormondom. Edited by Reid Neilson

Review: Kim Östman. The Introduction of Mormonism to Finnish Society, 1840–1900

Review: Armand L. Mauss. Shifting Borders and a Tattered Passport: Intellectual Journeys of a Mormon Academic

Comparing Mormon and Adventist Growth Patterns in Latin America: The Chilean Case

What Does Kashi Have to Do With Salt Lake?: Academic Comparisons, Asian Religions, and Mormonism

Crossing the Planes: Gathering, Grafting, and Second Sight in the Hong Kong China International District

Review: Confident Interpretations of Silence David Conley Nelson. Moroni and the Swastika: Mormons in Nazi Germany

The Righteous Road

My mom held her hand over the phone. “It’s Reed,” she whispered. I took the phone and leaned against the countertop. “Hello,” I said. “Hello.” “What, Derrick? No call?” Reed asked. “I didn’t know you…