Mormon Culture


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Elongated Time Phyllis Barber, The Precarious Walk: Essays from Sand and Sky

Phyllis Barber’s new work, The Precarious Walk: Essays from Sand and Sky, spans immense time. The book carries the reader from Barber’s childhood in post–World War II Nevada through adolescence, multiple marriages, children, relocation, ecological…

The Garden Atonement and the Mormon Cross Taboo

Listen to the Out Loud Interview about this article here. Michael Reed’s 2012 book Banishing the Cross: The Emergence of a Mormon Taboo sets out an excellent account of the uncomfortable relationship between the Church…

The Great Zucchini War

Mischief and Ethnography Keith Norman. BUC: A Boy among the Saints

BUC: A Boy among the Saints spans a “year in the life of an unregenerate 10 year old”—the endearing young rascal Wilford Bushman. Wilf, like most in his rural Utah community of Anti-Nephi-Lehi, is “BUC”—“born…

The Dark Side of Devotion Robert Hodgson Van Wagoner, The Contortionists

When a five-year-old boy tragically disappears from a quiet LDS neighborhood, grief-stricken family members, detectives, ward members, and suspects all struggle to find their footing in the agonizing aftermath. In The Contortionists, the new novel…

Mormonism and the Possibility of a Materialist Apostasy

The notion of apostasy is central to the identity of the Mormon people.[1] One might even say it is the raison d’être of Mormonism. It is the thing that explains why there needed to be…

Archive of the Covenant: Reflections on Mormon Interactions with State and Body

Dialogue 53.4 (Winter 2020): 79–107
In the logic of Mormon theology, an internal lack of faith is in part a result of the mismanagement of my mortal embodiment. Part of the reason that the “born this way” language of the marriage equality movement has had so little effect on the Mormon population compared to others is that it directly contradicts very recent and revered theological claims.

A Mormon Boy Meets a King

Post Mormon Past

Still You

What’s a Mormon Expert to Do?

“Mormon”: A Journalist’s Dilemma

On “Mormon” in Mormon Studies Publishing

Why I’m So Bad at Not Using “Mormon”

The Mormon Church and the Language of My Faith



Review: Can Faith Survive Choice and Circumstance? Jack Harrell. Caldera Ridge.

The Possessive Investment in Rightness: White Supremacy and the Mormon Movement

Dialogue 51.3 (Fall 2018): 45–81
Brooks explains that “Mormons will have to choose to acknowledge the pivotal and pervasive role of white supremacy in the founding of LDS institutions and the growth of the Mormon movement.”

Review: The Empty Space between the Walls Joseph M. Spencer. The Vision of All: Twenty-five Lectures on Isaiah in Nephi’s Record

Review: Not Alone Stephen Carter, ed. Moth and Rust: Mormon Encounters with Death

Review: Envisioning Mormon Art Laura Allred Hurtado. Immediate Present

Review: Horror Becomes Banal Under Scrutiny but Loss is Lasting in The Apocalypse of Morgan Turner Jennifer Quist. The Apocalypse of Morgan Turner

Review: Helping Us Think and Be in the World Linda Sillitoe. Owning the Moon

Review: The Gift of Language Heidi Naylor. Revolver

Review: A Life Worth Living George B. Handley. Learning to Like Life: A Tribute to Lowell Bennion

Review: Traveling “the undiscovered country” Stephen Carter, ed. Moth and Rust: Mormon Encounters with Death

Remember Me: Discursive Needlework and the Sewing Sampler of Patty Bartlett Sessions

There’s No Such Thing as a Gospel Culture

Can Mormons be White in America?

From the Pulpit: Why I Stay

Dialogue 50.2 (Summer 2017): 209–213

“I was excommunicated from the Church in 1986. I am a gay man in a twenty-five-year-long relationship with my husband Göran Gustav-Wrathall. We were legally married in July 2008. Over the years, people have asked me how it is that I could consider myself Mormon if I’m not a member of the Church. What covenants are there for me to renew on Sunday morning, sitting in the pews, as I pass, without partaking, the sacrament tray to the person sitting next to me? To the extent that there is a relationship between me and God that has the Church as a context, real as it is to me, it is invisible to outside observers. That’s okay. I stay because I cannot deny what I know.”

To the Single Men of the Church

What the Church Means to People Like Me

A natural reaction to my title—since this is not a testimony meeting in which each speaker is his own subject—might be, “Who cares?” For who in this congregation, with the possible exception of my brother,…

A Translation of the Apparent Source of the Book of Abraham

The speed with which photographs of the Joseph Smith Egyptian Papyri were published once they came into the possession of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is a gratifying contrast to the secrecy with which their previous custodians surrounded them. The definitive edition of the documents will take time, but in the meantime the Egyptologist can show his appreciation by taking advantage of the opportunity to make preliminary studies.

Mormons in the Executive Suite

Only in a city can a full cast of characters for the human drama be assembled; hence only in the city is there sufficient diversity and competition to enliven the plot and bring the performers up to the highest pitch…

Art and the Church

It is through the performance of creative arts, in art, in thought in personal relationships that the city can be identified as something more than a purely functional organization . . .  Lewis Mumford Perhaps it is presumptuous to…

Manhattan Faces

If you like fresh air, 25¢ hamburgers, and security, New York may not be the place for you. If you want a Rinso-clean wash you can hang in the backyard, where crickets sound at night, and neighbors who are people much like you, the city probably isn’t your bag.

Mormons as City Planners

. . . one key to urban development should be plain—it lies in the widening of the circle of those capable of participating in it, till in the end all men will take part in the conversation.  Lewis Mumford…

The Challenge of Secularism

Belief in the eternal and the infinite, the omniscient and the omnipotent succeeded, over the milleniums, in exalting the very possibilities of human existence . . .  Lewis Mumford One of the most pressing theological questions of our time…

Villa Mae

When I saw Villa Mae Ferguson for the first time, standing gaunt and forlorn in the wind, my impulse was to keep on driving. I recognized her from Louise’s description: tall, plain, grayheaded. But she…

A Time of Transition

Our home is in the Alexandria (Va.) Ward and we live within eight blocks of the chapel. The school district was recently redistricted to dip into the “close to downtown” areas and therefore includes many…

A Personal Commitment to Civil Equality

We call upon all men, everywhere, both within and outside the Church, to commit themselves to the establishment of full civil equality for all of God’s children. Anything less than this defeats our high ideal…

Reflections at Hopkins House

“What’s your name?”

“Are you coming back?”

“I love you.”

These are the words of a Hopkins House child. Being young, very young, living in a poverty-ridden neighborhood . . .

Mormons in the Urban Community

Unless you consult particulars, you cannot see.  William Blake The average L.D.S. Church member finds many societal forces buffered or muted for him by the Church. Among other factors, our focus on the eternal nature of…

Mormons in the Secular City: An Introduction

Mormons, whether they know it or not, whether they like it or not, have entered the Secular City. This term, coined by Harvey Cox, expresses (in “secular”) a “this worldness”—meaning that the work of the world must be done by man himself, and (in “city”) all historical and Utopian dreams for the model community. Dialogue magazine stands at that intersection between the religious and the secular worlds.

Why the Coleville Tabernacle Had to be Razed: Principles Governing Mormon Architecture

Mormon World View and American Culture

The Gospel, Mormonism and American Culture

Among the Mormons

Phrenology Among the Mormons

Among the Mormons

Among the Mormons

Among the Mormons

Among the Mormons

Birth Control Among the Mormons: Introduction to an Insistent Question

Dialogue 10.2 (Summer 1977): 12–46
The extensive national attention had a demonstrable impact in Utah. In 1876 the territory’s first anti-abortion law was enacted, carrying a penalty of two to ten years for performing an abortion; a woman convicted of having an abortion received one to five years “unless the same is necessary to preserve her life.” It was also during this period that one finds the first real discussion of fertility control by leading Mormons.

Mormonism in the Nineteen-Seventies: The Popular Perception

Illustrated Periodical Images of Mormons, 1850-1860

My Fifty Years in Journalism

From Antagonism to Acceptance: Mormons and the Silver Screen

Nostrums in the Newsroom

The Church as Broadcaster

The Church as Media Proprietor

Equality and Plain Living: Building the City of God, Community and Cooperation Among the Mormons

Among the Mormons

Gambit in the Throbs of a Ten-Year-Old Swamp: Confessions of a Dialogue Intern

The Rise and Fall of Courage, an Independent RLDS Journal

Dialogue 11.1 (Spring 1978): 115–119
Although Courage struck a responsive chord in quite a few hearts, its readers did not support it to the extent the editors had expected. Appealing only to a minority in a small church, and without either sufficient subscribers or a financial “angel/  Courage died after its eleventh number (Winter/Spring 1973).

Windmill Jousting and Other Madness: Century 2

New Messenger and Advocate


A Wider Sisterhood

BYU Studies, How She Is

Gospel by the Month

Among the Mormons

Among the Mormons

Among the Mormons

Contraceptive Use Among Mormons, 1965-75

“Among the Mormons”

Move Over, Fortune “500”: The Mormon Corporate Empire by John Heinerman and Anson Shupe


Aunt Ella used to say that a man who doesn’t live his principles is a poor specimen. This observation, like her other nuggets of conventional wisdom, was ostensibly directed at me, but she always cast…

I Married a Mormon and Lived to Tell This Tale: East Meets West

I Married a Mormon and Lived to Tell This Tale: Through a Stained-Glass Window

I Married a Mormon and Lived to Tell This Tale: “To Celebrate the Marriage Feast Which Has No End”

I Married a Mormon and Lived to Tell This Tale: Introductory Remarks

A Jew Among Mormons

Mormonism Becomes a Mainline Religion: The Challenges: Ethnicity, Diversity, and Conflict

Mormonism Becomes a Mainline Religion: The Challenges: A Reorganized Church Perspective

Mormonism Becomes a Mainline Religion: The Challenges: An Australian Viewpoint

Mormonism Becomes a Mainline Religion: The Challenges: Mormonism and the Challenge of the Mainline

Mormonism Becomes a Mainline Religion: The Challenges: Viewing Mormonism as Mainline

Twentieth-Century Polygamy and Fundamentalist Mormons in Southern Utah

Dialogue 24.4 (Winter 1991): 44–58
Driggs shares the story of how in between the First and Second Manifestos, polygamy was still happening in secret.

In Their Own Behalf: The Politicization of Mormon Women and the 1870 Franchise

Dialogue 24.4 (Winter 1991): 75–96
IMMEDIATELY UPON THE PASSAGE of territorial legislation enfranchising Utah’s women in 1870, almost fifty years before the Nineteenth Amend￾ment extended the vote to American women, arguments erupted between the Mormon and non-Mormon community over the reasons behind this legislation.

Book of Mormon Stories That My Teachers Kept From Me

Dialogue 24.4 (Winter 1993):15–50
n fact, it may be no more than a kind of perversity that brings me to admit what I will tell you now, namely, that when it comes to the Book of Mormon, that most correct of books, whose pedigree we love passionately to debate and whose very namesakes we have, all of us, become, I stand mostly with Mark Twain.

Glimmers and Glitches in Zion

Selective Bibliography on African-American and Mormons 1830-1990

Dialogue 25.4 (Winter 1992): 113–131
Bibliography of African Americans role in the church from 1830-1990.

Speaking for Themselves: LDS Ethnic Groups Oral History Project

Dialogue 25.4 (Winter 1992): 99–110
An oral history project on ethnic wards and branches.

Ethnic Groups and the LDS Church

Dialogue 25.4 (Winter 1992): 81–96
A history of ethnic wards and branches as the church struggled with integration vs. segregation of immigrant communities.

Living Histories: Selected Biographies from the Manhattan First Ward

Women Alone: The Economic and Emotional Plight of Early LDS Women

Latter-day Myths About Counseling and Psychotherapy

Before the Wall Fell: Mormons in the German Democratic Republic, 1945-89

A New Kind of Abuse: The Subtle Power of Spiritual Abuse

Liberal Spirituality: A Personal Odyssey

Dialogue Toward Forgiveness: A Supporting View

The LDS Intellectual Community and Church Leadership: A Contemporary Chronology

Dialogue 26.1 (Spring 1993): 23–82
THE CLASH BETWEEN OBEDIENCE to ecclesiastical authority and the integrity
of individual conscience is certainly not one upon which Mormonism has
a monopoly. But the past two decades have seen accelerating tensions in
the relationship between the institutional church and the two overlapping
subcommunities I claim—intellectuals and feminists.

Male-Male Intimacy among Nineteenth-century Mormons: A Case Study

Dialogue 28.4 (Winter 1995): 105–119
This was a prelude to his book-length treatment Same-Sex Dynamics in 19th C. America: A Mormon Example, that looked at “intimacy” broadly defined, before the rise of homophobia in the post-WWII period. It is a fascinating study of changing norms and practices that once allowed for a huge range of bonding practices between people of the same-sex. Quinn himself had come out in the course of researching this article and the book a few years before, and this work remains influential.

Did Christ Pay for Our Sins?

Mormonism and Determinism

Social Forces that Imperil the Family

Was Jesus a Feminist?

Sojourner in the Promised Land: Forty Years Among the Mormons by Jan Shipps

Thoughts on Mormonism, Evolution, and Brigham Young University

Dialogue 34.4 (Winter 2002): 1–18
Well, I was raised in a rather unscientific environment , a little farming community.

The Long Honeymoon: Jan Shipps among the Mormons

You Can Count on the Fingers of Your One Hand the Reasons

Whether you were driving in from the east or the west you got to our mother’s from Canal Street here in southern Ohio. There at the big Mc Donald’s in Nelsonville you took the crossroad…

The Divine-Infusion Theory: Rethinking the Atonement

Premortal Spirits: Implications for Cloning, Abortion, Evolution, and Extinction

Dialogue 39.1 (Spring 2006): 1–18
Perhaps no other moral issue divides the American public more than abortion. In part, the controversy hinges on the question of when the spirit enters the body. If a spirit were predestined for a given mortalbody and that body is aborted before birth, the spirit would, technically,never be able to have a mortal existence.

Clyde Forsberg’s Equal Rites and the Exoticizing of Mormonism

Changing Faiths Gave My Sons Hope

My Mission Decision

More Musings on Motherhood

Once upon July

Trial of Faith

In 2007 there is an essay by John Gustav Wrathal, a man who was excommunicated in 1986 and remains in a relationship, now married to his long-time partner. But he is also deeply committed to…

Seeds of Faith in City Soil: Growing Up Mormon in New York City


May Many Phoenixes Rise

A Deep Reverence in My Heart; Part of Our Family

Looked like a Church, Sounded like a Church; How Beautiful Our Waters of Mormon

Move Back in a Heartbeat

The Bonds Endure; Freudian Analysis of Lehi’s Dream

Tribute to a Building; Giving Church a Try

Not Different from My Home

Equally Warm, Whether Empty or Full

Not the Building

An Anchor for Me

Matzoh for Sacrament


Light in Darkness: Embracing the Opportunity of Climate Change

An Excuse I’ve Been Working on for a While

No Longer as Strangers

To the 78 Percent

Fierce Joy and Proof That It Happened

Mormon Scholars in the Humanities Conference: Overcoming Technology: The Grace of Stuff

“Shake Off the Dust of Thy Feet”: The Rise and Fall of Mormon Ritual Cursing

Why the True Church Cannot Be Perfect

Bones Heal Faster: Spousal Abuse in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

Review: Brock Cheney. Plain but Wholesome: Foodways of the Mormon Pioneers

Review: Armand L. Mauss. Shifting Borders and a Tattered Passport: Intellectual Journeys of a Mormon Academic

Sinners Welcome Here (2002)

Manly Virtue: Defining Male Sexuality in Nineteenth-Century Mormonism

What Shall We Do with Thou? Modern Mormonism’s Unruly Usage of Archaic English Pronouns

The Postum Table

The family had been in the dream house about three months. It was October, and they were gathered for Family Night. A box of See’s chocolates, wrapped in glossy white paper, sat like the fruit…

A company man on his day off

Denying, Leap, Someone I Used to Know

Review: E-mails with a Young Mormon about Adam Miller’s Letters to a Young Mormon Adam S. Miller. Letters to a Young Mormon

Bibliography Bring ‘Em Young

Developing Integrity in an Uncertain World: An Interview with Dr. Jennifer Finlayson-Fife

Review: The Mormon Murder Mystery Grows Up Mette Ivie Harrison. The Bishop’s Wife Tim Wirkus. City of Brick and Shadow

Review: Mormons Are a Different Country Mette Ivie Harrison. The Bishop’s Wife

On the Existential Impossibility of a Religious Identity: I’m a Mormon

Fast Offering

Welden Shumway wasn’t so much scandalized when Brother B left his wife and took up with a young gentile woman as he was confused. Why would a priesthood holder ignore his covenants like that? Welden…

Elongated Time Phyllis Barber, The Precarious Walk: Essays from Sand and Sky

Phyllis Barber’s new work, The Precarious Walk: Essays from Sand and Sky, spans immense time. The book carries the reader from Barber’s childhood in post–World War II Nevada through adolescence, multiple marriages, children, relocation, ecological…

The Garden Atonement and the Mormon Cross Taboo

Listen to the Out Loud Interview about this article here. Michael Reed’s 2012 book Banishing the Cross: The Emergence of a Mormon Taboo sets out an excellent account of the uncomfortable relationship between the Church…

The Great Zucchini War

Mischief and Ethnography Keith Norman. BUC: A Boy among the Saints

BUC: A Boy among the Saints spans a “year in the life of an unregenerate 10 year old”—the endearing young rascal Wilford Bushman. Wilf, like most in his rural Utah community of Anti-Nephi-Lehi, is “BUC”—“born…

The Dark Side of Devotion Robert Hodgson Van Wagoner, The Contortionists

When a five-year-old boy tragically disappears from a quiet LDS neighborhood, grief-stricken family members, detectives, ward members, and suspects all struggle to find their footing in the agonizing aftermath. In The Contortionists, the new novel…

Mormonism and the Possibility of a Materialist Apostasy

The notion of apostasy is central to the identity of the Mormon people.[1] One might even say it is the raison d’être of Mormonism. It is the thing that explains why there needed to be…

Archive of the Covenant: Reflections on Mormon Interactions with State and Body

Dialogue 53.4 (Winter 2020): 79–107
In the logic of Mormon theology, an internal lack of faith is in part a result of the mismanagement of my mortal embodiment. Part of the reason that the “born this way” language of the marriage equality movement has had so little effect on the Mormon population compared to others is that it directly contradicts very recent and revered theological claims.

A Mormon Boy Meets a King

Post Mormon Past

Still You

What’s a Mormon Expert to Do?

“Mormon”: A Journalist’s Dilemma

On “Mormon” in Mormon Studies Publishing

Why I’m So Bad at Not Using “Mormon”

The Mormon Church and the Language of My Faith



Review: Can Faith Survive Choice and Circumstance? Jack Harrell. Caldera Ridge.

The Possessive Investment in Rightness: White Supremacy and the Mormon Movement

Dialogue 51.3 (Fall 2018): 45–81
Brooks explains that “Mormons will have to choose to acknowledge the pivotal and pervasive role of white supremacy in the founding of LDS institutions and the growth of the Mormon movement.”

Review: The Empty Space between the Walls Joseph M. Spencer. The Vision of All: Twenty-five Lectures on Isaiah in Nephi’s Record

Review: Not Alone Stephen Carter, ed. Moth and Rust: Mormon Encounters with Death

Review: Envisioning Mormon Art Laura Allred Hurtado. Immediate Present

Review: Horror Becomes Banal Under Scrutiny but Loss is Lasting in The Apocalypse of Morgan Turner Jennifer Quist. The Apocalypse of Morgan Turner

Review: Helping Us Think and Be in the World Linda Sillitoe. Owning the Moon

Review: The Gift of Language Heidi Naylor. Revolver

Review: A Life Worth Living George B. Handley. Learning to Like Life: A Tribute to Lowell Bennion

Review: Traveling “the undiscovered country” Stephen Carter, ed. Moth and Rust: Mormon Encounters with Death

Remember Me: Discursive Needlework and the Sewing Sampler of Patty Bartlett Sessions

There’s No Such Thing as a Gospel Culture

Can Mormons be White in America?

From the Pulpit: Why I Stay

Dialogue 50.2 (Summer 2017): 209–213

“I was excommunicated from the Church in 1986. I am a gay man in a twenty-five-year-long relationship with my husband Göran Gustav-Wrathall. We were legally married in July 2008. Over the years, people have asked me how it is that I could consider myself Mormon if I’m not a member of the Church. What covenants are there for me to renew on Sunday morning, sitting in the pews, as I pass, without partaking, the sacrament tray to the person sitting next to me? To the extent that there is a relationship between me and God that has the Church as a context, real as it is to me, it is invisible to outside observers. That’s okay. I stay because I cannot deny what I know.”

To the Single Men of the Church

What the Church Means to People Like Me

A natural reaction to my title—since this is not a testimony meeting in which each speaker is his own subject—might be, “Who cares?” For who in this congregation, with the possible exception of my brother,…

A Translation of the Apparent Source of the Book of Abraham

The speed with which photographs of the Joseph Smith Egyptian Papyri were published once they came into the possession of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is a gratifying contrast to the secrecy with which their previous custodians surrounded them. The definitive edition of the documents will take time, but in the meantime the Egyptologist can show his appreciation by taking advantage of the opportunity to make preliminary studies.

Mormons in the Executive Suite

Only in a city can a full cast of characters for the human drama be assembled; hence only in the city is there sufficient diversity and competition to enliven the plot and bring the performers up to the highest pitch…

Art and the Church

It is through the performance of creative arts, in art, in thought in personal relationships that the city can be identified as something more than a purely functional organization . . .  Lewis Mumford Perhaps it is presumptuous to…

Manhattan Faces

If you like fresh air, 25¢ hamburgers, and security, New York may not be the place for you. If you want a Rinso-clean wash you can hang in the backyard, where crickets sound at night, and neighbors who are people much like you, the city probably isn’t your bag.

Mormons as City Planners

. . . one key to urban development should be plain—it lies in the widening of the circle of those capable of participating in it, till in the end all men will take part in the conversation.  Lewis Mumford…

The Challenge of Secularism

Belief in the eternal and the infinite, the omniscient and the omnipotent succeeded, over the milleniums, in exalting the very possibilities of human existence . . .  Lewis Mumford One of the most pressing theological questions of our time…

Villa Mae

When I saw Villa Mae Ferguson for the first time, standing gaunt and forlorn in the wind, my impulse was to keep on driving. I recognized her from Louise’s description: tall, plain, grayheaded. But she…

A Time of Transition

Our home is in the Alexandria (Va.) Ward and we live within eight blocks of the chapel. The school district was recently redistricted to dip into the “close to downtown” areas and therefore includes many…

A Personal Commitment to Civil Equality

We call upon all men, everywhere, both within and outside the Church, to commit themselves to the establishment of full civil equality for all of God’s children. Anything less than this defeats our high ideal…

Reflections at Hopkins House

“What’s your name?”

“Are you coming back?”

“I love you.”

These are the words of a Hopkins House child. Being young, very young, living in a poverty-ridden neighborhood . . .

Mormons in the Urban Community

Unless you consult particulars, you cannot see.  William Blake The average L.D.S. Church member finds many societal forces buffered or muted for him by the Church. Among other factors, our focus on the eternal nature of…

Mormons in the Secular City: An Introduction

Mormons, whether they know it or not, whether they like it or not, have entered the Secular City. This term, coined by Harvey Cox, expresses (in “secular”) a “this worldness”—meaning that the work of the world must be done by man himself, and (in “city”) all historical and Utopian dreams for the model community. Dialogue magazine stands at that intersection between the religious and the secular worlds.

Why the Coleville Tabernacle Had to be Razed: Principles Governing Mormon Architecture

Mormon World View and American Culture

The Gospel, Mormonism and American Culture

Among the Mormons

Phrenology Among the Mormons

Among the Mormons

Among the Mormons

Among the Mormons

Among the Mormons

Birth Control Among the Mormons: Introduction to an Insistent Question

Dialogue 10.2 (Summer 1977): 12–46
The extensive national attention had a demonstrable impact in Utah. In 1876 the territory’s first anti-abortion law was enacted, carrying a penalty of two to ten years for performing an abortion; a woman convicted of having an abortion received one to five years “unless the same is necessary to preserve her life.” It was also during this period that one finds the first real discussion of fertility control by leading Mormons.

Mormonism in the Nineteen-Seventies: The Popular Perception

Illustrated Periodical Images of Mormons, 1850-1860

My Fifty Years in Journalism

From Antagonism to Acceptance: Mormons and the Silver Screen

Nostrums in the Newsroom

The Church as Broadcaster

The Church as Media Proprietor

Equality and Plain Living: Building the City of God, Community and Cooperation Among the Mormons

Among the Mormons

Gambit in the Throbs of a Ten-Year-Old Swamp: Confessions of a Dialogue Intern

The Rise and Fall of Courage, an Independent RLDS Journal

Dialogue 11.1 (Spring 1978): 115–119
Although Courage struck a responsive chord in quite a few hearts, its readers did not support it to the extent the editors had expected. Appealing only to a minority in a small church, and without either sufficient subscribers or a financial “angel/  Courage died after its eleventh number (Winter/Spring 1973).

Windmill Jousting and Other Madness: Century 2

New Messenger and Advocate


A Wider Sisterhood

BYU Studies, How She Is

Gospel by the Month

Among the Mormons

Among the Mormons

Among the Mormons

Contraceptive Use Among Mormons, 1965-75

“Among the Mormons”

Move Over, Fortune “500”: The Mormon Corporate Empire by John Heinerman and Anson Shupe


Aunt Ella used to say that a man who doesn’t live his principles is a poor specimen. This observation, like her other nuggets of conventional wisdom, was ostensibly directed at me, but she always cast…

I Married a Mormon and Lived to Tell This Tale: East Meets West

I Married a Mormon and Lived to Tell This Tale: Through a Stained-Glass Window

I Married a Mormon and Lived to Tell This Tale: “To Celebrate the Marriage Feast Which Has No End”

I Married a Mormon and Lived to Tell This Tale: Introductory Remarks

A Jew Among Mormons

Mormonism Becomes a Mainline Religion: The Challenges: Ethnicity, Diversity, and Conflict

Mormonism Becomes a Mainline Religion: The Challenges: A Reorganized Church Perspective

Mormonism Becomes a Mainline Religion: The Challenges: An Australian Viewpoint

Mormonism Becomes a Mainline Religion: The Challenges: Mormonism and the Challenge of the Mainline

Mormonism Becomes a Mainline Religion: The Challenges: Viewing Mormonism as Mainline

Twentieth-Century Polygamy and Fundamentalist Mormons in Southern Utah

Dialogue 24.4 (Winter 1991): 44–58
Driggs shares the story of how in between the First and Second Manifestos, polygamy was still happening in secret.

In Their Own Behalf: The Politicization of Mormon Women and the 1870 Franchise

Dialogue 24.4 (Winter 1991): 75–96
IMMEDIATELY UPON THE PASSAGE of territorial legislation enfranchising Utah’s women in 1870, almost fifty years before the Nineteenth Amend￾ment extended the vote to American women, arguments erupted between the Mormon and non-Mormon community over the reasons behind this legislation.

Book of Mormon Stories That My Teachers Kept From Me

Dialogue 24.4 (Winter 1993):15–50
n fact, it may be no more than a kind of perversity that brings me to admit what I will tell you now, namely, that when it comes to the Book of Mormon, that most correct of books, whose pedigree we love passionately to debate and whose very namesakes we have, all of us, become, I stand mostly with Mark Twain.

Glimmers and Glitches in Zion

Selective Bibliography on African-American and Mormons 1830-1990

Dialogue 25.4 (Winter 1992): 113–131
Bibliography of African Americans role in the church from 1830-1990.

Speaking for Themselves: LDS Ethnic Groups Oral History Project

Dialogue 25.4 (Winter 1992): 99–110
An oral history project on ethnic wards and branches.

Ethnic Groups and the LDS Church

Dialogue 25.4 (Winter 1992): 81–96
A history of ethnic wards and branches as the church struggled with integration vs. segregation of immigrant communities.

Living Histories: Selected Biographies from the Manhattan First Ward

Women Alone: The Economic and Emotional Plight of Early LDS Women

Latter-day Myths About Counseling and Psychotherapy

Before the Wall Fell: Mormons in the German Democratic Republic, 1945-89

A New Kind of Abuse: The Subtle Power of Spiritual Abuse

Liberal Spirituality: A Personal Odyssey

Dialogue Toward Forgiveness: A Supporting View

The LDS Intellectual Community and Church Leadership: A Contemporary Chronology

Dialogue 26.1 (Spring 1993): 23–82
THE CLASH BETWEEN OBEDIENCE to ecclesiastical authority and the integrity
of individual conscience is certainly not one upon which Mormonism has
a monopoly. But the past two decades have seen accelerating tensions in
the relationship between the institutional church and the two overlapping
subcommunities I claim—intellectuals and feminists.

Male-Male Intimacy among Nineteenth-century Mormons: A Case Study

Dialogue 28.4 (Winter 1995): 105–119
This was a prelude to his book-length treatment Same-Sex Dynamics in 19th C. America: A Mormon Example, that looked at “intimacy” broadly defined, before the rise of homophobia in the post-WWII period. It is a fascinating study of changing norms and practices that once allowed for a huge range of bonding practices between people of the same-sex. Quinn himself had come out in the course of researching this article and the book a few years before, and this work remains influential.

Did Christ Pay for Our Sins?

Mormonism and Determinism

Social Forces that Imperil the Family

Was Jesus a Feminist?

Sojourner in the Promised Land: Forty Years Among the Mormons by Jan Shipps

Thoughts on Mormonism, Evolution, and Brigham Young University

Dialogue 34.4 (Winter 2002): 1–18
Well, I was raised in a rather unscientific environment , a little farming community.

The Long Honeymoon: Jan Shipps among the Mormons

You Can Count on the Fingers of Your One Hand the Reasons

Whether you were driving in from the east or the west you got to our mother’s from Canal Street here in southern Ohio. There at the big Mc Donald’s in Nelsonville you took the crossroad…

The Divine-Infusion Theory: Rethinking the Atonement

Premortal Spirits: Implications for Cloning, Abortion, Evolution, and Extinction

Dialogue 39.1 (Spring 2006): 1–18
Perhaps no other moral issue divides the American public more than abortion. In part, the controversy hinges on the question of when the spirit enters the body. If a spirit were predestined for a given mortalbody and that body is aborted before birth, the spirit would, technically,never be able to have a mortal existence.

Clyde Forsberg’s Equal Rites and the Exoticizing of Mormonism

Changing Faiths Gave My Sons Hope

My Mission Decision

More Musings on Motherhood

Once upon July

Trial of Faith

In 2007 there is an essay by John Gustav Wrathal, a man who was excommunicated in 1986 and remains in a relationship, now married to his long-time partner. But he is also deeply committed to…

Seeds of Faith in City Soil: Growing Up Mormon in New York City


May Many Phoenixes Rise

A Deep Reverence in My Heart; Part of Our Family

Looked like a Church, Sounded like a Church; How Beautiful Our Waters of Mormon

Move Back in a Heartbeat

The Bonds Endure; Freudian Analysis of Lehi’s Dream

Tribute to a Building; Giving Church a Try

Not Different from My Home

Equally Warm, Whether Empty or Full

Not the Building

An Anchor for Me

Matzoh for Sacrament


Light in Darkness: Embracing the Opportunity of Climate Change

An Excuse I’ve Been Working on for a While

No Longer as Strangers

To the 78 Percent

Fierce Joy and Proof That It Happened

Mormon Scholars in the Humanities Conference: Overcoming Technology: The Grace of Stuff

“Shake Off the Dust of Thy Feet”: The Rise and Fall of Mormon Ritual Cursing

Why the True Church Cannot Be Perfect

Bones Heal Faster: Spousal Abuse in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

Review: Brock Cheney. Plain but Wholesome: Foodways of the Mormon Pioneers

Review: Armand L. Mauss. Shifting Borders and a Tattered Passport: Intellectual Journeys of a Mormon Academic

Sinners Welcome Here (2002)

Manly Virtue: Defining Male Sexuality in Nineteenth-Century Mormonism

What Shall We Do with Thou? Modern Mormonism’s Unruly Usage of Archaic English Pronouns

The Postum Table

The family had been in the dream house about three months. It was October, and they were gathered for Family Night. A box of See’s chocolates, wrapped in glossy white paper, sat like the fruit…

A company man on his day off

Denying, Leap, Someone I Used to Know

Review: E-mails with a Young Mormon about Adam Miller’s Letters to a Young Mormon Adam S. Miller. Letters to a Young Mormon

Bibliography Bring ‘Em Young

Developing Integrity in an Uncertain World: An Interview with Dr. Jennifer Finlayson-Fife

Review: The Mormon Murder Mystery Grows Up Mette Ivie Harrison. The Bishop’s Wife Tim Wirkus. City of Brick and Shadow

Review: Mormons Are a Different Country Mette Ivie Harrison. The Bishop’s Wife

On the Existential Impossibility of a Religious Identity: I’m a Mormon

Fast Offering

Welden Shumway wasn’t so much scandalized when Brother B left his wife and took up with a young gentile woman as he was confused. Why would a priesthood holder ignore his covenants like that? Welden…