Articles/Essays – Volume 37, No. 1
A Tribute for Service Well Rendered
The Bishop in Neal Chandler’s story “The Call” counsels a young man: “It’s not easy to be a real writer. . . .” How true, especially when you want, as did the bishop in Neal’s “Benediction,” to impart what the narrator calls “a little hard-core education.” DIALOGUE and all who love her cannot thank Neal and Rebecca Chandler adequately for the excellence with which they have led the journal for five years. They have a gift for writing and editing. Educators both, they have taught us well. They are people of the highest character, committed to the hard work of publishing and able to lead and inspire all of us at DIALOGUE to raise our sights. At once exacting and patient, passionate and careful, kind and honest, Neal and Rebecca leave us with 20 volumes of “hard-core education” clarified by the talents of excellent writers and two superb editors. On behalf of DlALOGUE’s Board of Directors, I thank them wholeheartedly, wish them all good things, and look forward to reading more of their own stories and articles in our pages.
I thank too the many people who have aided the Chandlers in so many ways. From serving on their editorial board to refereeing a single manuscript, you have each contributed greatly to the quality of the journal. DIALOGUE is collaborative and dependent on the generosity of talented volunteers. Your work is deeply appreciated.
Finally, thank you to Armand Mauss, who has just completed four years as the Chair of DIALOGUE’S Board of Directors. It has been my privilege to work closely with Armand. We all know him as a penetrating thinker, writer, and teacher, but I add this tribute so you may know him as I do, as one of DIALOGUE’S most dedicated and generous friends. His contributions to DIALOGUE are inexpressible. Fortunately, he will remain on the Board for our benefit.
Molly Bennion
Chair, Board of Directors