Articles/Essays – Volume 37, No. 1

Cargoes II

Quinquereme of Nineveh from distant Ophir 
Running home to haven in sunny Palestine . . . 
—John Masefield, “Cargoes” 

Tanker from al-Kuwayt on the Persian Gulf 
Passes the Straits of Hormuz (which Americans hold), 
With a cargo of “black gold”— 
Gas and petroleum— 
For further refinement in Galveston. 

Corporate carrier commissioned in Kobe 
Swims on its brimming hull across the North Pacific, 
With a cargo of VCRs and stereos 
And fine automobiles, 
For resale in sunny Los Angeles.  Charity tramp ship chartered at London 
Tugs across the Channel in an August heat, 
Going to pick up crates of tin cans 
And cast-off clothes, 
As alms for famished Africa