Articles/Essays – Volume 35, No. 1

Critical Condition

for Gene England at Utah Valley Hospital, 2001 

When I heard about Gene’s surgery, I 
thought, “Even with half a brain he’d still
be ten times smarter than me!” 

Of course the church is probably 
praying the doctor got a few things. . . 
(O.K., just leave us him). 

Gene has so many friends that for years
I opted for something I thought more 
special—”significant acquaintance” 

(I was neither)—but even if we were 
more competitive (that’s a laugh) than 
close, we had some times— 

like the blessing he gave me 
after a rough night (mine) 
on the wrong side of Salt Lake 

and our flying fishing trip 
to McMichael’s cabin on Henry’s Fork 
when I about rolled his SUV. 

That’s about it—and maybe it’ll have 
to do—Gene’s in critical condition, 
and so are we without him.