Anne Elizabeth Berbert
About my Conversion: Directions to a Nonbeliever
Articles/Essays – Volume 34, No. 3
Run your finger across the arc of my cheekbone.
Notice how it curves like the hull of Noah’s ark
that propelled life through earth’s watery death.
Spiritualizing the Organic
Articles/Essays – Volume 35, No. 1
The garden heaves with what does not belong—
plastics, agent orange, rubber cement, land mines
that won’t biodegrade, disintegrating corpse
bones, sanded into earth by worms
Wedding Vows
Articles/Essays – Volume 35, No. 2
My fears awakened
when I touched you, sacrificial,
kneeling at the altar
extending your hands,
beckoning to be destroyed
Eve’s Psalm
Articles/Essays – Volume 35, No. 2
My fingers, like God’s fingers,
point to the dawn of salvation.
I clasp this pomegranate, its seeds like
worlds extending our isolated existence.