Bessie Loyd Soderborg Clark
BESSIE SODERBOG CLARK is in a transitional phase of adjusting to life without her husband Marden after 61 Vi years of marriage. Her aim now is to write of their life and world travels in a nearly factual manner, so their descendants will know and understand them and share in the joyful lives they lived.
Gramma, What’s a Bastard?
Articles/Essays – Volume 33, No. 4
I was scrunched behind the big over-stuffed sofa, reading the forbidden works of Mark Twain. Oh horrors, I was reading the most forbidden book of all, Roughing It. I was tittering over what he said…
Read moreEclipsed by the Sons
Articles/Essays – Volume 35, No. 1
I originally wrote this essay for a panel discussion at the second Counterpoint Conference for Mormon Women in 1994 in Salt Lake City. The eight years since then have changed the relative position of women…
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Articles/Essays – Volume 36, No. 4
We had to get to Glendora, California, to comfort our daughter, whose husband had died, suddenly and unexpectedly, the previous Sunday morning. When we finished loading the car and turned the key, nothing happened. The…
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