Bradley Walker
BRADLEY WALKER is married and the father of six children ages six through fifteen. He works as a public health/family practice physician at University Medical Center in Las Vegas, Nevada.
Spreading Zion Southward, Part I: Improving Efficiency and Equity in the Allocation of Church Welfare Resources
Articles/Essays – Volume 35, No. 4
The year was 1983. Sister Mercedes Pico de Coello was dying of tuberculosis, coughing up blood. A frail and thin 43-year-old mother of twelve, her life could probably have been saved for $200. As a missionary, I had baptized her in 1980. As a BYU student, I had just spent $850 for this return visit to Ecuador. Neither of us was aware that her illness could be fatal if untreated. With an annual family income of $1200, she could not afford the treatment she needed. I considered giving her the $200, but ultimately I did not do so. Three years later she died from the disease.
Read moreSpreading Zion Southward, Part II: Sharing Our Loaves and Fishes
Articles/Essays – Volume 36, No. 1
In a 1933 address, Elder Glenn L. Pace asked the question, “Faced with ever louder cries for help from the world, how do we determine where to focus our efforts?” This essay asks a related question: How efficient and equitable is the allocation of the church’s charitable resources? As we compare the distribution of these resources to the poorer, less-developed countries (LDCs) with the distribution to wealthy countries (WCs), could efficiency and equity be improved?
Read moreFirst, Mothers and Children: A Postscript to “Moving Zion Southward Parts I & II”
Articles/Essays – Volume 36, No. 3