Brent D. Corcoran
BRENT CORCORAN {[email protected]} is production manager for Dialogue: A Journal of Mormon Thought and the Journal of Mormon History. He has published three poems in Dialogue. He thanks Lavina Fielding Anderson, Gary James Bergera and Mary Lythgoe Bradford for their helpful advice in preparing this review.
“My Father’s Business”: Thomas Taylor and Mormon Frontier Economic Enterprise
Articles/Essays – Volume 28, No. 1
Shortly after Mormon pioneers arrived in Utah in July 1847 Brigham Young planned for an anticipated population explosion by exploring the region and locating sites which could support new settlements and industries. Parley P. Pratt…
Read moreLucifer’s Obit.
Articles/Essays – Volume 31, No. 3
We note, today, the passing
of our most dreared departed—
father of lies, child of perdition,
mother of woes, and friend to sin.
Review: Tyler Chadwick, ed. Fire in the Pasture 21st-Century Mormon Poems
Articles/Essays – Volume 45, No. 3