Brian Evenson
BRIAN EVENSON teaches creative writing at Oklahoma State University in Stillwater and is the author of Altmann 's Tongue. His new novel, Father of Lies, is forthcoming.
Chaotic Matter: Eugene England’s “The Dawning of a Brighter Day”
Articles/Essays – Volume 27, No. 4
More than ten years after the original appearance of an essay might be too long to wait to respond to it, but the republication of Eugene En gland’s “Dawning of a Brighter Day: Mormon Literature after 150 years” as the inaugural essay of Wasatch Review International (vol. 1 [1992], no. 1) calls for a response.
Read moreThe Three Boats
Articles/Essays – Volume 28, No. 1
And God came to me and shewed me
a boat on troubled waters.
“Shall you stretch forth your hand
to steady the vessel before it founders?”
“I shall,” I said, and took the boat
in my hand and removed it from danger.
The Prophet’s Dream
Articles/Essays – Volume 28, No. 3
An angel came to me and said, O Pitiable Fools!
O Foolish Mortals! O Everlasting Damnation!
I said, Perhaps you will be willing to shew me
their eternal lot, and my own. He said, Come.
Blessing the Dog
Articles/Essays – Volume 29, No. 2
He waited, but the dog didn’t come. He went back into the house. His wife was strapping on her brassiere, skin spilling over where the strap was tight. “Seen the dog?” he said. “Haen’t my…
Read moreSanctified, In the Flesh
Articles/Essays – Volume 29, No. 3
He disengaged the gear, ground the key forward. The motor clicked. The steerage went heavy in his hands. He pushed the signal bar upward with his palm, crossed lanes. “What is it?” she asked. “Nothing,”…
Read moreDavid K. Daltridge: Servant of God
Articles/Essays – Volume 31, No. 1
I They left that morning without being told where they were going. Daltridge was surprised when, instead of flying high and north toward Hanoi, they stayed level and curved west. As the flight commander offered…
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