Jiro Numano

JIRO NUMANO, awarded a master's degree in linguistics from Brigham Young University, is a professor of English at Hiroshima Kokusai Gakuin University in Hiroshima, Japan. He also teaches linguistics and the his￾tory of cultural exchange between the East and the West. Jiro has enjoyed subscribing to Dialogue since 1979. He was the founding editor of an inde￾pendent bi-annual journal Mormon Forum (Japanese), which lasted from 1988 to 2000. He lives in Higashi-Hiroshima, Japan, with his wife, Mitsuko. He expresses sincere appreciation to Ethan Yorgason, Armand Mauss, and others on the editorial board for their ideas and editorial assis￾tance. However, he is alone responsible for the contents of his paper.

How International is the Church in Japan?

Articles/Essays – Volume 13, No. 1

Robert Mullen writes in The Mormons that “temples are, in a way, measurements of the acceleration”[1] of the rapid expansion of the LDS Church. The Church will have a temple in Tokyo in 1980. Does…

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Mormonism in Modern Japan

Articles/Essays – Volume 29, No. 1

“Since Japan as a nation has made such remarkable economic and technological progress, why is the church in Japan not also making comparable progress, but in fact is stagnant?” For some years now such a…

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Perseverance amid Paradox: The Struggle of the LDS Church in Japan Today

Articles/Essays – Volume 39, No. 4

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