John Sterline Harris

an associate professor of English at Brigham Young University, has published a collection of poems called Barbed Wire.


Articles/Essays – Volume 07, No. 3

She eased herself into the bed beside him, 
His farmer’s heavy sleep 
Was lighter now with dawning near. 
At the creak of springs he stirred 

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Intimate Portraits | Donald R. Marshall, The Rummage Sale

Articles/Essays – Volume 08, No. 1

In that everlasting discussion on when we are going to have a Mormon literature, the anticipated writer of the great Mormon story is usually expected to be a Tolstoi or a Melville who will tell…

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Articles/Essays – Volume 13, No. 2

What is it that a father finds in one 
            to favor over others? 
Did Isaac know what grace was his 
            in primogeniture 
                        while Ishmael wandered? 

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