Kristen Carson

KRISTEN CARSON lives in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania and has published previously in Dialogue. Her work has also appeared in the Indianapolis Star, Gettysburg Review, and Irreantum.

’Atta Boy

Articles/Essays – Volume 38, No. 2

Latham Runyon wondered what time he ought to close his window. It was going to be a tongue-hanger today. But for now, the morning was still dewy and bearable.  He pulled his half-glasses up to…

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Follow Me, Boys

Articles/Essays – Volume 40, No. 2

The station hall echoed with the rumble of waiting buses every time the door opened. The restroom door squeaked. A mother on the far row of chairs scolded her child—“Don’t climb on that!”—as her breasts…

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The Gilded Door

Articles/Essays – Volume 41, No. 3

It sat on a quiet end of Main Street, just a block down from the Shore line State Bank and the Sunshine Laundry. Within its dark cavern, you could lose yourself in fantasy. It was…

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