Lee Robison
LEE ROBISON and his wife, Kathy, live in Poolesville, Maryland. Lee’s poems have appeared in several issues of Dialogue and in several other journals. For the last ten years, he has been involved with the Hyattstown Mill Arts Project in Hyattstown, Maryland, where he has taken up painting and where he hosts at least two literary evenings a year.
No More Sister than St. Nick
Articles/Essays – Volume 56, No. 3
Listen to an interview about this piece here. The new young Bishop Fredning had not asked Vernie to prepare and narrate the Christmas program. For the first time in twenty-seven years, the bishop of the…
Read moreThe Freeway
Articles/Essays – Volume 28, No. 2
is two currents of light on the hill.
One drains into the western sky,
the other, into the maw of rock behind me.
I am a dazzled part of light that opens
Articles/Essays – Volume 28, No. 4
He speaks in a poetry of mumbles, not quite rambling
under the breaking sky about what happened
half his life ago and the end of a promise
that makes him angry. Shows the confusion
American Christians Visit Mt. Nebo
Articles/Essays – Volume 29, No. 2
We had only cameras
and yearning, but the wind rasped
stone like a hot tongue
and cameras and yearning
Fall Is the Wrong Analogy
Articles/Essays – Volume 30, No. 3
this hesitant collapsing
of a canopy that will billow
in windy spring—
Sacrament Hymn
Articles/Essays – Volume 30, No. 4
Jesus Deathkiller,
God’s Lifer, Earth Rover, Gift:
Be sure,
in your name and our hope,
A Spinster Physician Weeps While Speaking Her Sermon on Abstinence: A Sonnet without Rhyme
Articles/Essays – Volume 38, No. 2
In her fiftieth year and all these other
smug and satisfied people’s children
gaping faces from the pews like ripe pears
and what can she say—a professional woman,