Linda King Newell
Newell co-authored the 1984 book Mormon Enigma: Emma Hale Smith with Valeen Tippetts Avery. During this time (1982–86) she was also editor of the scholarly Mormon periodical Dialogue: A Journal of Mormon Thought with her husband L. Jackson Newell, a professor at the University of Utah. Newell served as president of the John Whitmer Historical Association in 1988, and the Mormon History Association from 1996–1997.
Fishing for Emma | Roy A. Cheville, Joseph and Emma Companions, and Erwin E. Wirkus, Judge Me Dear Reader
Articles/Essays – Volume 12, No. 1
Accounts of Emma Hale Smith and her relationship with her husband Joseph are scattered, sketchy and superficial. In 1973 Irwin E. Wirkus published Judge Me Dear Reader, a little twenty-five-page booklet about Emma. This past…
Read moreOngoing Dialogue
Articles/Essays – Volume 15, No. 3
Since accepting the editorship of DIALOGUE last spring, we have had a num ber of close friends ask with an air of incredulity, “I think it’s wonderful, but why would you take on such an…
Read moreThe Emma Smith Lore Reconsidered
Articles/Essays – Volume 17, No. 3
Dialogue 16.3 (Fall 1984): 69-76
Emma spent her remaining years far removed from the associates who had helped shape the events of that first decade of the Nauvoo period. Like those around her, she did not always react rationally nor did she always make decisions in those trying years that others would have wished her to make.
LDS Women and Priesthood: The Historical Relationship of Mormon Women and Priesthood
Articles/Essays – Volume 18, No. 3
Dialogue 18.3 (Fall 1985): 21–32
While an examination of that history leaves unanswered the question of women’s ordination to the priesthood, the historical overview of LDS women’s relationship to priesthood suggests a more expansive view than many members now hold.
Dialogue’s Coming of Age
Articles/Essays – Volume 20, No. 1
DIALOGUE: A JOURNAL OF MORMON THOUGHT begins both its twentieth volume and its twenty-first year with the publication of this issue. Launched in 1966 as a daring and earnest effort to transform the serious conversation of…
Read morePolygamy Examined | Richard S. Van Wagoner, Mormon Polygamy: A History
Articles/Essays – Volume 20, No. 2
In his introduction to Mormon Polygamy: A History, Richard S. Van Wagoner correctly reminds us that even though “many Mormons are descendants of polygamists, most Church members are often no better informed on the critical…
Read moreReflections from Within: A Conversation with Linda King Newell and L. Jackson Newell
Articles/Essays – Volume 20, No. 4
After serving five and a half years, Linda and Jack Newell step down as editors of DIALOGUE as this issue goes to press, turning the editorship over to Kay and Ross Peterson of Logan, Utah.…
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