Lisa Madsen De Rubilar

LISA M. DE RUBILAR lives in Niskayuna, New York, with her husband and four children. She works as a freelance copywriter specializing in high tech￾nology. In the cause of poetry, she conducts poetry workshops for elementary schoolchildren (K-5) and regales members of her ward with poems whenever she has the chance. She mourns the recent passing of the giant defender of poetry and belief, Czeslaw Milosz.

Pure Thin Bones

Articles/Essays – Volume 22, No. 4

José Luís was sick. That was why Michelle and Renata stopped by to see him on their way home from missionary zone meeting. They walked with Nielsen, his companion, who had gone to the meeting…

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Articles/Essays – Volume 23, No. 3

Marta Pillahuel was very old. She lived in the country with her pigs on one side and her chickens on the other. Her wooden house leaned to the east and let in the weather—a warm…

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Articles/Essays – Volume 37, No. 3

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Death to the Death of Poetry!: The Art is Alive and Kicking in Mormon Circles — and in Mainstream American Culture

Articles/Essays – Volume 38, No. 1

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