Loretta Randall Sharp
LORETTA RANDALL SHARP is currently at the Taipei American School. She has recently received a 1989-90 Creative Artist Award from the Michigan Council of the Arts to complete a manuscript of poems about women and goddesses of India.
For Linda
Articles/Essays – Volume 14, No. 4
If only there were daisies here in tin cans.
These flowers are too nice: ivory-tongued anthurium,
gladiola mouths holding their long, red O’s
while Sister Smith whispers, “Aren’t the roses
Stones; The Salutation; The Problem; Grandmother, Grandmother, Grandmother; Bishop
Articles/Essays – Volume 20, No. 3
The Slow Way Home
Articles/Essays – Volume 23, No. 3
She leaves the women in her husband’s house
and makes a slow way home
to her own mother, to friends singing
as they bring sweet butter
for the first month, molasses
Going Home
Articles/Essays – Volume 23, No. 4
“Walk,” scold your doctors, but you snort
that it will take a cold day in hell
to make you shuffle from room to room
like some old man. So here I am,