Marni Asplund-Campbell
MARNI ASPLUND-CAMPBELL lives in Seattle, Washington.
Articles/Essays – Volume 24, No. 2
My father’s heart is strong and scarred, bound in spots by thread, a delicate patchwork of veiny fabrics. I imagine, when I talk to him on the telephone, his physical presence. I can hear his…
Read moreFor My Father, 1934-1990
Articles/Essays – Volume 26, No. 3
Have you noticed, then, that sound moves
differently in fall—such falling
of leaves, a fall
from warmth and
Articles/Essays – Volume 27, No. 1
She’s not Abraham’s Sara,
who laughs and talks
to angels
as if the state of her womb
For the Girl Who Saw Her Mother Cold
Articles/Essays – Volume 27, No. 2
July twenty-third in the canyon is
almost like hell-fire—sulfurous hot
waves off the powdery earth while
the children play in the trees,
C. Thomas Asplund: Quiet Pilgrim
Articles/Essays – Volume 30, No. 3
I am not a historian. But my limited exposure to the discipline tells me that writing history involves arriving at definitions of “eras,” “cultures,” and “movements.” In my work in literary theory, I have been…
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