Matthew Bolton
MATTHEW BOLTON, a member of the Community of Christ and son of Andrew Bolton (see his essay in this issue), wrote in November 2003 from Erbil, Iraq, where he is an aid worker with a nongovernmental organization. He is a 2001 graduate of Graceland University with majors in history and religion. He has published articles in the Journal of Mine Action, Aid Workers Exchange, The Examiner, Theology, Paths of Peace, and Herald. Because the political and religious views he expresses in the article are personal and entail possible security risks, he does not identify the organizations with which he has worked.
Postscript from Iraq: A Flicker of Hope in Conflict’s Moral Twilight
Articles/Essays – Volume 37, No. 1
Dialogue 37.1 (Spring 2004): 180–187
It was as I waded through the sewage, stagnant in the streets of one of Africa’s biggest slums—Mukuru, Nairobi, Kenya—while on an assignment with the Community of Christ-sponsore WorldService Corps in summer 2000, that I was first struck by the enormity of the world’s problems and the horrifying conditions faced by the majority of its inhabiants.