Patrick Mason
PATRICK Q. MASON {[email protected]} holds the Leonard J. Arrington Endowed Chair of Mormon History and Culture at Utah State University, where he is an associate professor of history and religious studies. He is the author or editor of several books, including most recently Restoration: God’s Call to the 21st-Century World (Faith Matters Publishing, 2020) and Mormonism and Violence: The Battles of Zion (Cambridge University Press, 2019). He is a proud former board member and chair of the Dialogue Foundation.
The September Six and the Lost Generation of Mormon Studies
Articles/Essays – Volume 56, No. 3
I was a high school senior in September 1993, when Lavina Fielding Anderson, Avraham Gileadi, Maxine Hanks, D. Michael Quinn, Paul Toscano, and Lynne Kanavel Whitesides were disfellowshipped or excommunicated from the Church of Jesus…
Read moreThe Possibilities of Mormon Peacebuilding
Articles/Essays – Volume 37, No. 1
In 1992, Boutros Boutros-Ghali, then Secretary-General of the United Nations, announced his Agenda for Peace. Within it, he encouraged member states to become more actively involved in “peacebuilding,” a vaguely defined term that seeks to…
Read moreUVU Mormon Studies Conference: Mormon Blogs, Mormon Studies, and the Mormon Mind
Articles/Essays – Volume 45, No. 3