Scott Stenson
SCOTT STENSON {[email protected]} earned a PhD in English from the University of Nebraska–Lincoln. He teaches writing and literature at Tennessee Tech University. He has published poetry with Christianity and Literature, BYU Studies, and Iris Review. He and his family have lived in Tennessee for about ten years. Currently, he serves as stake institute teacher. His interests include art, sports, music, and food.
“I Am Commanded to Stand and Testify Unto This People The Things Which Have Been Spoken By Our Fathers”: Lehi’s and Nephi’s Influence on Alma 5
Articles/Essays – Volume 57, No. 3
Dialogue 57.3 (Fall 2024): 39–80
In what follows, I will suggest that Alma 5, somewhat like Lehi’s dream, begins with an account of the forefathers (men and women) passing through a wilderness only to find a special tree and its fruit; I will demonstrate the allusive presence of the tree of life in Alma 5 and attempt to get at the language’s redemptive implications; and I will demonstrate the allusive presence of the great and spacious building (or its inhabitants) in Alma 5.
Paper Route
Articles/Essays – Volume 55, No. 2
Podcast version of this piece. Sabbath afternoon in summer sometimes feelslike those February mornings I’d wedge thedamp butt of each newspaper in friend’s saddlepack clouded gray with his indistinguishablefingerprints. Their buckling mouths a smudgedbouquet of…
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