Tina Hatch
TINA HATCH has a master's degree in communications from the University of Utah. Her thesis, "Negotiating Identities: Religion, Gender, and Spirituality among Latter-day Saint Women" (2004), explores contemporary LDS women's religious experience. Her article, "The Earth as Living Soul: Rhetorical Resources for Sustainable Environmental Practice within Mormon Theology" (working title), coauthored with Tarla Rai Peterson and Tracylee Clarke, is forthcoming in Rhetoric and Public Affairs. This paper was written as part of a 2003 summer fellowship on twentieth-century LDS women's history funded by the Joseph Fielding Smith Institute for Latter-day Saint History at Brigham Young University. The author thanks the institute for its generous support.
“Changing Times Bring Changing Conditions”: Relief Society, 1960 to the Present
Articles/Essays – Volume 37, No. 3
The 1960s marked for Latter-day Saints the commencement of a new era of consolidation and growth that have led to multiple changes in the Relief Society. The organization experienced the automatic enrollment of women in…
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