Tina Hatch

TINA HATCH has a master's degree in communications from the Univer￾sity of Utah. Her thesis, "Negotiating Identities: Religion, Gender, and Spiritual￾ity among Latter-day Saint Women" (2004), explores contemporary LDS women's religious experience. Her article, "The Earth as Living Soul: Rhetorical Resources for Sustainable Environmental Practice within Mormon Theology" (working ti￾tle), coauthored with Tarla Rai Peterson and Tracylee Clarke, is forthcoming in Rhetoric and Public Affairs. This paper was written as part of a 2003 summer fel￾lowship on twentieth-century LDS women's history funded by the Joseph Field￾ing Smith Institute for Latter-day Saint History at Brigham Young University. The author thanks the institute for its generous support.

“Changing Times Bring Changing Conditions”: Relief Society, 1960 to the Present

Articles/Essays – Volume 37, No. 3

The 1960s marked for Latter-day Saints the commencement of a new era of consolidation and growth that have led to multiple changes in the Relief Society. The organization experienced the automatic enrollment of women in…

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