Wayne Schow

H. WAYNE SCHOW, emeritus professor of English at Idaho State University, re￾sides in Pocatello, Idaho. He is the author of Remembering Brad: On the Loss of a Son to AIDS (Salt Lake City: Signature Books, 1995) and co-editor with Ron Schow and Marybeth Raynes of Peculiar People: Mormons and Same-Sex Orientation (Salt Lake City: Signature Books, 1991). He is currently writing about the impact of religion on his life.

Sexual Morality Revisited

Articles/Essays – Volume 37, No. 3

It’s a boggy acre, surely. Is there any greater conundrum than human sexuality? Is there any aspect of our lives about which it is more difficult to generalize? Is there anything in our experience so…

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A Case for Same-Sex Marriage: Reply to Randolph Muhlestein

Articles/Essays – Volume 40, No. 3

Dialogue 40.3 (Fall 2007): 50–60

These articles were about legal arguments. The case against argued that marriage was already tenuous and allowing same-sex marriage would doom it, suggesting that people would become homosexuals if same-sex marriage were an option.

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